it’s because there are a ton of able-bodied illegal immigrants and other non-insureds who aren’t billed, can’t pay, won’t pay, and that buck gets passed on to the insurers, insureds, have to pays / willing to pays. Ever been to an ER? It’s full of people who have no insurance and know they can’t be turned away for care. A lot of their ailments are non emergent. Not complicated. ‘Free healthcare’ is a fallacy, too, because it’s just compensation for healthcare via high taxes which further burdens those who actually play by the rules. Yes, there are special cases and exceptions, but that’s the overarching cause. No, bandaids don’t cost $250 a pop and of course Motrin doesn’t cost thousands, but when you have 10s of thousands of non payers, the cost has to be recouped somehow.

it doesn’t matter their age, and it’s not who you want, it’s who ‘they’ want. Left and right puppets of the same puppeteer

they need to figure out a real position for micah to last a full season or ship his ass off

ok nerd go take a nap or a lap, still not a real doctor

it’s a jerk off degree to establish credibility amongst teaching professionals and students. It has no weight outside of a classroom or university setting. In the real world, only MDs and DOs are legitimate doctors, and even they, don’t expect to be referred to as a ‘doctor’ outside of their professional setting. Hope that clears it up for ya

you can use the best lures, equipment, technique etc. but you’ll never catch a thing if the fish ain’t there. Sounds painfully obvious but beginners struggle with this the most I think. Try a new creek, pond, or whatever. If the fish are there, they’ll usually cooperate.

yes ur a pos. time to man up boy! at least for 18 years

boomers or not, no one should dictate your happiness. No one gives a flying F if your rings are whatever or whatever. The only thing that matters is your union. I know broke people with platinum and diamonds and richies with silicone rings, IT DOES NOT MATTER.

psa … might as well be dealing with the government


raw is fine if you never plan to offload. Buy raw at your own risk. Not sure why slabs get so much hate. It instantly makes the card more liquid and protects the card long term.

I’m not hating, I’m sure there are great designs, great athletes / autos, chase cards etc. But, if it’s unlicensed, why not have fun and rip it? I wouldn’t imagine these boxes hold near the long term value compared to licensed products.

all good as long as we can glue dead joe together and give him his proper hanging in a year or two. no sweat

almost 250 years in a row u could’ve tried and convicted a president of wrong doings, going to beautiful when the pendulum swings the other way, may it be swift and ruthless. enjoy the next 4-5 months cocksuckers. Your time is coming.