Hey y’all! I just started fishing about a week ago, and have been learning the basics slowly but surely. I’ve been going out to a pier by where I live every morning and usually have been staying out till 1pm. Here’s the underlying issue though: I haven’t caught a damn thing. I’ve bought many lures, I use apps, I go at sunrise and sunset but for some reason it just seems like I cant even catch water. I get bites, every now and again but end up losing it time and time again. Help? Is there any hope for me?

Edit: Hi thanks for all the help y’all i really appreciate it. What i’m hearing: Simplify, use worms and bobber and figure out a rig that works Switch spots when no bites are had Be slower with reeling lures and bait back. I’ll post my first catch when i get it, again thank y’all!