I was never taught about hygiene and learned it all myself from Google, but I wish I had someone I could ask basic questions to without being judged. That's the point of this sub for people to ask the questions and not get judged for asking them. What's the point of being on a hygiene sub if you don't want to see questions about hygiene? Just Google, whatever it is, you don't know.

My close relatives, two friends and my boss know about it. Normally I wouldn't tell my boss but I was really struggling. But I'm really glad I did because he's been so supportive and accommodating. Nobody else in the company, no other relatives or friends know about it.

Oh, okay. I just don't want to spoil anything for you. They do bring up Angela's cheating later on. You'll see that what both say is kind of true.

EDIT: [extremely vital information]

But it's really not her fault that she cheated. It was a mistake, and she's ready to move past it.

Are you rewatching, or is this the first time you watch it?

I was looking at a beautiful apartment until the landlord said some shit like this. Noped out of that real quick. Wonder if it's the same guy 🤨

What foods can you eat based on your dietary restrictions?

Couldn't she bring the baby with her? All the house parties and get togethers I've been to always have a random baby sleeping in the bedroom. Sometimes, I was that random kid sleeping in the bedroom.

Alguien me preguntó que por que yo no podía ir en guagua a Puerto Rico.

I haven't used an airplane bathroom in years. The whole experience is so uncomfortable, so I just pee about 20 minutes before boarding. Sometimes I eat a snack on the plane but won't do a big meal in fear that it'll give me a stomachache. One of my last trips there was a lady with a huge order of Chinese food that smelled so good, and I was so hungry lol.

These look awful. Just send me the pan, and I'll dispose of them. But for real, I think you just put too many in one pan.

EDIT: [extremely vital information]

You could try one more thing. Tell her you'll carry her up the stairs and then knock her out with some chloroform and shove her in the elevator. Just by herself, though she's already pushing the elevator's weight limit. Make sure they only feed her salad during the reception. Either way, NTA, it's your day, and she's not your responsibility. You've been much too patient. I would've cut her off already.

We just started doing things at home. One person would host, we would each bring something and play drinking games and gossiped until 2-3 am. We never paid more than $15 each. Cheap rum and two liter soda, chicken, bamboo skewers, loaf of bread, and a six pack of beer. That was enough to have fun from 8 pm -2 am. Sometimes, a pot of spaghetti, a bottle of wine, and some cupcakes was enough for us, too.

I just invited people to what I could afford, and it turns out we just wanted to spend time together, and whatever came with that was fine. I couldn't afford to keep pretending like I could afford the same as them and did what I could.

Proud owner of an orange brain cell

You can wake him, but it'll cost you some treats.

It was one of those blessings in disguise because I found the most amazing therapist. She really has experience with bipolar patients, and she's so empathetic and knows exactly how to help and guide me through episodes.

Agreed. I've worked in customer service since I was 17. I use skills from one job to get the next one. Started a waitress and cashier, then sold phones and cable, then I worked for a bank, then moved to working for Medicaid and finally got my health insurance license. Each job paid a little more than the last and had better benefits. Sales can be pretty good, but it's important to find a job that pays base+ commission. It's also important to note that they're more stressful than the others because of the metrics.