Before I start: YES, there are absolutely people who go through trauma early and don't know how to hygiene and YES I understand when you're depressed or low or suffering from an illness you can smell.

What is annoying me is that it is a basic cause and effect action. You don't want to smell? Take a shower, soap your body, your ass, your genitals. Wear clean clothes. Brush your teeth. Use sunscreen when it's hot. Dress appropriately for the weather. Wash your hair 2-3 times a week.

If you still smell, see a doctor, but normally that's all you need to do on a daily basis.

Questions from this thread come off like "why do I stink?" When most of it boils down to

You don't take care of yourself

You're depressed

You have a medical condition

So I've laid it out for you

Edit: for the comments I'll clarify. People who are undiagnosed or unsure or trauma I am not putting down in any way. What I don't get is how there are so many posts daily about people not knowing how to hygenically clean themselves. It's a Google search away, it's soap and water, it's cleaning when you stink.

If you are disabled, depressed, sick or having childhood trauma I'm not calling you out. I don't understand why we need to have a safe space on reddit for people who just don't bathe but ask what to do. Just Google it instead of making these threads all day.

Idc if I'm the asshole, hygiene isn't difficult but neither is complaining