I agree, and I think Harris isn't all bad. However, I also think she simply has too much baggage to defeat Trump from the top of the ticket, particularly on the immigration issue.

I agree that Biden needs to step aside, but the replacement should be Pete Buttigieg. He is part of the administration and is tied to the successful infrastructure policy, but also not in a role that deals with the hot button immigration or crime issues. More importantly, Pete is from the rust belt, and he can deliver Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania for the Dems. If the Dems want to win, this is the only way - it is likely too late to win Georgia and Arizona, and barring a real stroke of luck, Florida is out of play too. Without any of the aforementioned sunbelt states, a clean sweep of the rust belt is the Dems' only path to victory. Harris cannot deliver this. Pete can.

To avoid admitting Harris is a complete failure, let her remain in her role as VP. She has learned from some of her earlier missteps, and is competent enough to credibly remain in her role. It would also be very bad optics to remove her. The best solution is that Biden steps aside, and Harris says (publicly at least) that she would rather remain as VP than be Prez, clearing the way for the DNC to install Buttigieg.


I disagree. Replace Biden with Buttigieg. To avoid acknowledging yet another mistake, keep Harris on as VP.

She can be a very effective VP if allowed to focus on the right issues (namely reproductive rights and criminal justice issues). Putting Buttigieg at the top brings in a young, steady hand with executive experience, as well as a son of the midwest who can plausibly win Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania.

I don't think someone being a woman is the only issue. Campbell obviously had other issues, and was set up from the beginning by Mulroney to take the fall instead of him.

I'm guessing you're from Germany, and so I'm guessing the head of state you're referring to is Angela Merkel. Yes, she was very accomplished, and props to her for that! With respect, America isn't Germany, and that is the issue.

I think in 20 years, gender will be a non issue. I think it's an issue in 2024 because Harris is already seen as a flawed candidate, and might be perceived as slightly less flawed if all else were equal, but her name was Kyle Harris instead.

Another recent example from the western world: Liz Truss. She lasted, what, 6 weeks? I'm not saying her issue was being a woman, but I don't know if it helped necessarily either.

I'm from Canada, and in my country, we have the same problem. Our only female chief executive - Kim Campbell - was not even elected. She stepped in because our elected prime minister resigned rather than get destroyed in an election a few months later. Maybe in 20 years, we'll be there, but right now we're not. Hell, look what happened when America elected a black man: the backlash was so strong that you then ended up with Trump right after.

It really depends on the country, but I think sadly that the US and Canada still have a ways to go here.

Campbell took over, and got utterly creamed in the election 4 months later. That's exactly what would happen to Harris if the DNC decided to run her.


They really should replace Biden, and they should replace him with Pete Buttigieg. Here’s why. 

Joe is a nice guy and all, and he’s had a long and storied career in public service, as well as a difficult and troubled personal life. However, it’s clear that at 81 years old and counting, he’s just not up to the task anymore. Voters can smell that a mile away. Biden was the right man for the job in 2020, but that was 4 years ago, and now running him risks handing the election to Trump. The first party to dump their 80 year old candidate will win, and since it’s clear the Republicans have no interest in dumping Trump, it’s on the Democrats to ask Biden to step aside gracefully.  To that end, it’s also clear that the White House has not been entirely honest with the public about Biden’s fitness for office. If this charade continues, it could destroy Americans’ faith in their government. 

Politically, if the Democrats are going to win, the path to victory runs through the Rust Belt. It’s likely that Georgia and Arizona - and perhaps even Nevada - are lost to the Republicans. So, barring a very long shot victory in Florida (I’d say maybe a 10% chance Dems can win FL), the path runs through Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania, and the top of the ticket needs to be someone who can win all three of these states. 

For this reason, the democrats need to run Pete Buttigieg. Unlike Harris, he actually appeals to these states, having lived and held office in Indiana (he’s also now a Michigan resident, which could actually be an asset). He’s also a white guy, and he’s moderate, and in 2024 I don’t think him being gay will elicit too much attention, because it’s not like he talks about it every 5 minutes. Unlike 2020, he now also has added federal experience as Transportation Secretary, and has been one of Biden’s most effective lieutenants, putting to ease concerns about his youth (if anything, I think voters are now more concerned with running candidates who were born before jet planes were a thing). 

It should be him, because running Kamala will hand the election to Trump, and running anyone from outside the administration will be a tacit admission that the administration has failed, and that won’t look good either. To ensure black voters don’t feel spurned though, keep Harris on as VP. She seems to have learned from a few of her earlier missteps and can probably stay on in her role as VP, but at the same time, she simply cannot win as the top of the ticket. She just can't, and a Harris-led ticket will all but guarantee a Trump victory. Keeping her as VP allows you to have the best of both worlds, so I think unless Harris no longer wants the job, she should be allowed to stay on in her current role. She also does bring assets to the campaign through her focus on women's right and reproductive issues, plus her past as California AG and as a DA could actually be an asset with the public's renewed focus on crime.

If the Dems successfully execute this reboot, they’ll be able to defeat Trump once and for all, as well as chart a path forward towards ending the country’s divisions and ending the gerontocracy that paralyzes government. We’ll see what happens. 

Why? What's so bad about Mayor Pete (or Secretary Pete now I guess)?

I don't disagree! I'm not a US citizen unfortunately, but if I was, I would vote for a sack of expired potatoes before I voted for Trump. If it comes down to that simple binary choice, then so be it.

But I think having a candidate as flawed as Biden also presents a serious risk politically. Many independent and swing voters despise Trump, but they also have serious doubts about Biden's fitness for office. If enough of these voters stay home, or god forbid vote for Trump, then that presents a very real and plausible scenario where Trump does win the election. And then all the prognostications about him ending NATO, or letting Putin win or dismantling democracy, could come true.

The dems have blown it many times. I'm glad they didn't run Bernie, because he is too far left to win, but Hillary and Biden haven't been much better. Truly inspiring leadership is needed, and it has to be someone who appeals to disaffected independents and even moderate Republicans if we're to chart a new course for the country.

I have - I follow Allan Lichtman very closely, and am a huge believer in his 13 keys model! I'm looking forward to what he ultimately predicts roughly a month from now.

If his model is to be believed (which I think it is), the main things that could tank Biden right now are the Israel issue and RFK Jr, should he start getting more than 10% in the polls. Key 12 however is another issue - the charismatic incumbent key is currently ranked false. That key would instantly flip true if they replaced Biden with Buttigieg, but would remain false if they went with Harris. In an election as close as this one, something that small could decide the outcome of the election by flipping just a handful of votes in key swing states. At this point, simply flipping key 12 would be just enough for the Dems to win, regardless of whatever might happen with Israel and the protests or with RFK.

The walking corpse thing may be hyperbole, but I think it's also clear that the White House staff has concealed the full extent of the problem from the public at the same time.

I think Biden has been effective nonetheless, and that that's because he has an excellent supporting cast, from west wing staff to qualified cabinet members to democrats in the house and senate. A stark difference from Trump, who constantly chased away qualified professionals (just ask James Mattis or Rex Tillerson), who was hated on Capitol Hill, and who even tried to kill his own Vice President. That's the difference between Biden and Trump. However, I don't think all that is enough to put to rest many people's serious concerns about Biden's capacity to serve as President.

Finally, yes I agree people need to get out and vote, and yes they need to be more active in primaries and local elections for change to truly take root. But the political environment also needs to change, and both parties need to start encouraging competent, skilled individuals to run for office. And we need term limits so that people like Mitch Mcconnell and Nancy Pelosi don't just coast through 40 years in congress - it needs to be 12 years max, and sink or swim - either do your job or you're out.

Exactly, well said! That's why the smart play for the Dems is to ask Biden to step aside and thank him for his service.

He was the right man for the job in 2020. Hell, even in 2016, they probably would've done better with Biden than they did with Hillary. But at 81 years and counting, it's clear that Biden just isn't up to the task anymore, and more importantly, it's clear that the White House has been trying to conceal this from the public for some time now.

The smart play is to run Buttigieg at the top of the ticket, and keep Harris on as VP. By running Harris, you hand Trump an easy target with a ton of baggage. Plus, I hate to say it, but I just don't think America is quite ready for a female chief executive yet (and it really saddens me to say that).

Trump would be absolutely screwed if he had to run against Buttigieg, and I think his moderate politics and midwestern roots would seal the deal in critical rust belt swing states. It's a bold step, I know, but if the Dems are serious about keeping the deranged Trump out of the White House, it's what needs to be done.

Well, if Biden steps down, what are the DNC supposed to do? Still run a guy who has decided to no longer run? There are legally legitimate ways to tie this up then, but again, it's all contingent on Biden agreeing to step down. It will be hard to convince him to do this, just like it's kind of hard to get grandma or grandpa to give up the keys to the car. It usually takes an accident before they agree to do so. Well, we just had an accident on June 27th. Will Biden hand over the keys, or will he drive us off a cliff?

You're right though, if you want something to change, don't just complain, but do something about it. That's what it will take.

Sadly, if Biden doesn't step aside, a Trump victory is looking increasingly likely. Furthermore, if Biden stays on, he likely won't be able to serve another 4 years, meaning President Harris. Neither result is particularly appealing to the public, hence why I'm positing something entirely different: a completely new candidate. Since that's unlikely, it looks like we're either going to get a walking corpse or a deranged criminal as president. Pick your poison.

If there is a new candidate subbed in for Biden, it has to be someone from within the administration. Running someone from outside (like Andy Beshear) may sound good on paper, but would at the end of the day be terrible PR, because again you're basically acceding to the narrative that the public has lost confidence in the government. And if you're running someone from within, you're basically limited to Harris and Buttigieg - nobody else with any credibility has any aspirations of being President.

I have seen the campaign war chest issue brought up, and to that end, I'm not sure if Buttigieg would have access to it either. I'm also not sure if the pros of keeping those funds would be worth gambling on Harris with all of her political liabilities. I wonder, if Harris was kept on as VP, would the Democratic nominee still be able to access all existing campaign funds? Genuinely curious, because we are kind of in uncharted waters here.

One other small issue. I do know that to run, obviously he'd have to immediately step down as Transport Secretary due to the Hatch Act, but that is a minor issue that can easily be fixed by having the Deputy Sec take over.

They’d be smarter to use Buttigieg instead if Biden steps down. Running Harris will hand the election to Trump. 

Run Buttigieg, but keep Harris on as VP. He’s young and moderate, but more importantly, he appeals to swing voters in the rust belt. Dems need, and I mean NEED, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin to have any shot at victory. 

I’d say best solution at this point is ask Biden to gracefully bow out of the race. He can stay on until January 2025, but then he’s done. 

Run Buttigieg in his place, and keep Harris on as VP. Running Harris at the top will hand the election to Trump, and running someone outside the administration will be a tacit admission of failure. Buttigieg also has ties to both Indiana and Michigan, and can probably deliver swing states in the rust belt to the democrats, without which Dems cannot win. 

They really should replace Biden, and they should replace him with Pete Buttigieg. Here’s why. 

Joe is a nice guy and all, and he’s had a long and storied career in public service, as well as a difficult and troubled personal life. However, it’s clear that at 81 years old and counting, he’s just not up to the task anymore. Voters can smell that a mile away. Biden was the right man for the job in 2020, but that was 4 years ago, and now running him risks handing the election to Trump. The first party to dump their 80 year old candidate will win, and since it’s clear the Republicans have no interest in dumping Trump, it’s on the Democrats to ask Biden to step aside gracefully.  To that end, it’s also clear that the White House has not been entirely honest with the public about Biden’s fitness for office. If this charade continues, it could destroy Americans’ faith in their government. 

Politically, if the Democrats are going to win, the path to victory runs through the Rust Belt. It’s likely that Georgia and Arizona - and perhaps even Nevada - are lost to the Republicans. So, barring a very long shot victory in Florida (I’d say maybe a 10% chance Dems can win FL), the path runs through Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania, and the top of the ticket needs to be someone who can win all three of these states. 

For this reason, the democrats need to run Pete Buttigieg. Unlike Harris, he actually appeals to these states, having lived and held office in Indiana (he’s also now a Michigan resident, which could actually be an asset). He’s also a white guy, and he’s moderate, and in 2024 I don’t think him being gay will elicit too much attention, because it’s not like he talks about it every 5 minutes. Unlike 2020, he now also has added federal experience as Transportation Secretary, and has been one of Biden’s most effective lieutenants, putting to ease concerns about his youth (if anything, I think voters are now more concerned with running candidates who were born before jet planes were a thing). 

It should be him, because running Kamala will hand the election to Trump, and running anyone from outside the administration will be a tacit admission that the administration has failed, and that won’t look good either. To ensure black voters don’t feel spurned though, keep Harris on as VP. She seems to have learned from a few of her earlier missteps and can probably stay on in her role as VP, but at the same time, she simply cannot win as the top of the ticket. 

If the Dems successfully execute this reboot, they’ll be able to defeat Trump once and for all, as well as chart a path forward towards ending the country’s divisions and ending the gerontocracy that paralyzes government. We’ll see what happens. 

It’s down to Biden himself - only he can make the decision to step aside. There is still time for him to pull an LBJ, but he needs to act soon if this is a possibility. And needs to be told by those around him that this is for the best. If Biden steps aside, the DNC has procedures in place to pick a new candidate. 

It’s also clear that the White House staff hasn’t been entirely honest with the public about Biden’s fitness for office. That’s a separate issue, but if this isn’t addressed, it will destroy Americans’ faith in their government. 

At this point, something needs to be done, because Trump indeed is a deranged lunatic and manifestly unfit for the presidency. But Biden is also unfit. The voters are begging for a younger, more effective candidate, and the DNC has an opportunity to give them that, but only if they act quickly. 

I agree. It’s time for Joe to step aside and go spend time with his grandkids in Delaware. 

As for the election, the smart play is for the Dems to run Buttigieg. Why? 

  1. If they run Harris, that will hand the election to Trump. 

  2. Running someone from outside the administration (eg. Beshear) will be a tacit admission that the Biden admin has been a failure. That won’t look good either. 

  3. This election will be decided in the rust belt. Buttigieg has appeal here (he himself is a Michigan resident now), so he can win Wisconsin Michigan and Pennsylvania. 

This could be the way to do it! Harris can even stay on as VP, she just shouldn’t be at the top of the ticket. This path is the least politically damaging, and the best shot at defeating Trump. Will the dems go for it? Or will they take their chances with Biden? 

They really should replace him. Joe is a nice guy and all, and he’s had a long and storied career in public service, as well as a difficult and troubled personal life. However, it’s clear that at 81 years old and counting, he’s just not up to the task anymore. Voters can smell that a mile away. Biden was the right man for the job in 2020, but that was 4 years ago, and now running him risks handing the election to Trump. The first party to dump their 80 year old candidate will win, and since it’s clear the Republicans have no interest in dumping Trump, it’s on the Democrats to ask Biden to step aside gracefully.  

If the Democrats are going to win, the path to victory runs through the Rust Belt. It’s likely that Georgia and Arizona - and perhaps even Nevada - are lost to the Republicans. So the path runs through Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania, and the top of the ticket needs to be someone who can win those states. 

For this reason, the democrats need to run Pete Buttigieg. Unlike Harris, he actually appeals to these states, having lived and held office in Indiana (he’s also now a Michigan resident, which could actually be an asset). He’s also a white guy, and he’s moderate, and in 2024 I don’t think him being gay will elicit too much attention, because it’s not like he talks about it every 5 minutes. Unlike 2020, he now also has added federal experience as Transportation Secretary, and has been one of Biden’s most effective lieutenants, putting to ease concerns about his youth (if anything, I think voters are now more concerned with running candidates who were born before jet planes were a thing). 

It should be him, because running Kamala will hand the election to Trump, and running anyone from outside the administration will be a tacit admission that the administration has failed, and that won’t look good either. To ensure black voters don’t feel spurned though, keep Harris on as VP. She seems to have learned from a few of her earlier missteps and can probably stay on in her role as VP, but at the same time, she simply cannot win as the top of the ticket. 

If the Dems successfully execute this reboot, they’ll be able to defeat Trump once and for all, as well as chart a path forward towards ending the country’s divisions and ending the gerontocracy that paralyzes government. We’ll see what happens. 

AC no longer flies the route. They leave it to United, who I think use 737s on the route. There’s also WestJet, who of course also use 737s.

Probably for the best if Biden steps aside. He’s obviously not all there anymore and showing signs of dementia. So is Trump. But the dems also shouldn’t automatically run Harris either.

Smart move IMO is run Buttigieg. He’s still connected to the Biden admin and it’s accomplishments, but doesn’t have the baggage of Harris. He could then either keep Harris as VP or swap in someone fresh. He’d probably defeat Trump then.

Flames fan here. I rooted hard for you guys in Florida, and the cup is well deserved! You guys earned it fair and square.

That’s how the joke started - coilers fans would say what’s the difference between the flames and a bra. 

Now we can use that one against them! 

Indeed. In real life, you had Robert Gates serve as Defense Secretary under both George W Bush and Obama. You also had Norman Mineta serve in both the Clinton and Bush Jr administrations.

without going down the rabbit hole of modern US politics, you’d probably never see that nowadays.

Fat chance of that happening. If he leaves Edmonton, he’ll probably want either LA (girlfriend lives there) or an original 6 team

They pulled it off! Crisis averted