They make no attempt to protect the Chihuahua, only blame the poor little thing. The owner doesn't deserve to keep it if they're gonna let it be murdered.

I wouldn't risk it, esp since she uses the same hand towel. Get treatment (preferably Ivermectin) and treat at the same time. If you're in the US, Natroba topical is a great topical that's nontoxic and effective. It's pretty new so the doctor probably doesn't know it was recently approved by the FDA for scabies.

It depends on the dish. I like a good sauce on chicken wings.

I wonder if they did any crash testing on this. Seems like sharp edged stainless steel would cut people up in a wreck.

The dogsbite website that shows all the infants and children killed by pits. I had no idea how many humans are murdered by them, not to mention all the innocent pets and service animals.

Latina and nobody I know says that. Seems like it was something invented by non-Latinos.

Doctors go by ancient literature that says Permethrin is the 'gold standard', but it's not true anymore. They're too arrogant to listen to patients who know better. Ivermectin is touchy nowadays because of covid and doctors are stingy with it, even though it works and has no bad side effects. You might have to ask for Natroba (Spinosad). It's pretty new and most docs don't know about it, but it is literally a FDA approved topical for scabies. It's non-toxic and supposedly is a one-treatment cure. Worst case scenario buy your own bottle of sterile 1% liquid Ivermectin and bypass the doctor.

Too bad it wasn't the sugar free gummy bears, he'd pay for this later.

Gino's Potato Peeler

A little bit similar. Too bad Jasmine changed her eyelids, it's not flattering.

It looks like when I had poison oak. Whatever it is, it's best to have a doctor look at it so they can give you the right meds.

It's a good thing you listened to your gut (no pun intended) and went in. Ignoring bad pain like that can lead to very bad outcomes. I hope you heal fully and quickly.

Permethrin causes phantom sensations and itchiness. It's probably 'post' and you just need to heal. Don't go by itchiness alone, use some lidocaine cream to spot treat any itchy areas.

What a bad kid, already doing this stuff and cussing like a sailor.

So he just throws away those 2 fancy cubes of ice? Seems unnecessarily wasteful.

If normal cleaners don't work, there's a cleaner called 'Pretty Potty' that would destroy that in like 2 minutes. It has hydrochloric acid and you have to be careful by wearing gloves and making sure the room is ventilated. Most janitorial supply places carry it (or a brand equivalent). It's not expensive and will make quick work of any stain in a toilet.