Why did I say this like a Beatles song 🎵

I tip delivery, im done tipping at the restaurants

If I figure out how I'll add it but it's basically just some red and green mana ramp, I also have the railway brawlers in there to cause they partner very well with calamity, especially with the plot mechanic

Yeah he can spiral a game pretty fast, especially if you have something with trample

I think you missed the post of a guy getting beat with -38 million health

:Warden: Warden

I can't tell if this guy was lag switching or not but this is a duel from 2 years ago and it seemed iffy laggy duel

It's not pride, its about not leaving the team down a man. But yeah some injuries are obviously to serious to continue playing.

I have committed this same crime only because I got a new gaming pc and wanted to try for honor on it. And now im hopelessly addicted again. It's a shame the cosmetics and reps aren't cross progression cause I'm on the same ubisoft account. Yeah the first like 10 reps I felt so bad for my opponents but at rep 30 its back to normal.

They dash at me now they are just going to eat lights

Sounds fun, I'd like a larger 8v8 with maybe 5 cap points and a giant minion lane with like 200 minions but game would blow apart probably

:Warden: Warden

And yet if I swing twice at an enemy that buddy is fighting he gets revenge filled instantly. Or we both have to awkwardly pause fighting him until we wait the appropriate amount of time then both go at him again only to insta fill his revenge

Sometimes I drop 2 rounds before I figure out my opponent is just spamming attacks in the same pattern

Omg that fking fight was so annoying, with the rocket penguins

I think they fixed it, not sure though

:Warden: Warden

There was like two weeks when warden could glitch into a drop attack and instakill

This is why environmental impact studies are important. To weigh the risks for an installation like this vs the potential benefits of having a green energy supply. To build something like this without any consideration would be very reckless. I think we can both agree on that.