My [[Gishath]] dino tribal deck has been incredibly consistent in my playgroup. It's my favorite deck by far.

I personally have trouble finding a good balance of cards in equipment decks, but the games I've played have been fun and I want to keep tweaking it

I have Selesnya cats focused on equipment that used to be helmed by [[nazahn]], but switched to [[sovereign Okinec ahau]] when it got released and it's great. I'm still working out some kinks through

My favorites are dinos, demons and dragons, though.

I have 2 dragons decks, dinosaurs, demons, legendary humans, spiders, treefolk, slivers, cats, soldiers, zombies angels, Eldrazi, sea monsters and... Several more in the works

Here's my Gishath list if you want some ideas. It's one of my most consistent decks!

My [[Gishath]] dinosaur tribal deck. I was a huge Dino nerd when I was a kiddo and once I found Gishath it was a match made in heaven. It's one of my most consistent and explosive decks, and wins very often. Super proud of it!

I've been eyeballing that. Seems pretty good, thanks!

Agreed. It basically runs itself to be honest. My buddies haven't beaten it yet :)

I recently built a deck for each Dominus, and Mondrak is easily the dumbest. So strong and resilient without even trying haha

I bought the precon with the intention to build [[Be'lakor]] demon tribal and it's been incredibly fun. Here's my list, although it's currently in the process of being rebuilt into more of a reanimator strategy.

I'm currently working on the 32 deck challenge as well, and even though I'm not even close to done with it, I've been trying to do Breya as a thopter-centric deck and it could be bad but it could also be fun.

Thanks! I've had her since she was 8 weeks old.


I've bought probably 30 packs of Dragonshield sleeves, and have personally only gotten less than 102 once. I personally have no complaints about them.

Definitely stealing the term Flampler

I built Giada when she came out and my friends gang up on me every time I play it now haha

I recently built a deck for each of the 5 Dominus and they're all incredibly fun so far. [[Mondrak]] in the command zone is busted!