Bloodborne 2. I want more trick weapons!

They didn’t patch Impenetrable Thorns so I’m gonna keep doing 10,000+ damage to the Final Boss per cast like Miyazaki intended.

Bloodborne is still my favorite. The atmosphere and cool trick weapons can’t be beat.

Lowry would be the best passer on the team.

If you like watching guys pass up open 3s to dribble into contested long 2s, you’ll love Brandon Ingram.

Great Shield in Left Hand. Maternal Staff in Right Hand. Impenetrable Thorns. Easy Peasy.

Bring in both the Morris Bros at vet mins.

Also, if I’m using a P90 or MP5 as my close weapon, I play very different than if I’m using a DT or M10 as my close weapon. You have to be really mindful of your spacing.

I usually want a long range gun (AWP or SPR) a Mid Range gun (AK, RFB, M60, FAL) and a close range gun (P90, MP5, M10, DT, Tec 9) I’ll mix and match those guns depending on what I find.

Sako sucks now compared to the SPR. If you’re not using that gun, you gotta try it out. Waaay better than the Sako.

A lot of people don’t want to admit it… but the 2nd half of Dark Souls kinda sucks. First half is incredible but there is a ton of garbage after Ornstein and Smough.

Dark Souls is a classic but if you’ve never played it, it feels awful after playing Bloodborne, DS3, and Elden Ring.

A teeny tiny bit better. The Gamepass improves your odds 6,250%. The Book improves your odds 25%. The book isn’t doing much.

So, around 1 every 2-3 days hatching 24/7 instead of 4-5 months. Gamepass improves odds by 6,250%

Why are you being downvoted? That’s funny as hell.

For hatching Huges? Those books don’t help. If you don’t have the Gamepass, the odds of hatching an active Huge are around 1 in 300,000,000 which means you’ll average 1 Huge every 4-5 months hatching 24/7. It’s really not a good way to get a Huge. You’re much better off finding ways to make gems and buying one or trying to get one during specific events when the odds are better.