It's important to remember that labels usually require bands wait for them to get enough vinyl made to sell at release and unfortunately there has been a lot of shortages over the last few years. So it's sadly not up to the band entirely when it drops

Maladroit is a bit boring but by far one of there most solid post Pinkerton albums and has a cool heavy sound. You probably wouldn't like any full albums after that until Everything Will be Alright in the End and the white album. Ok human is also great but super different from their normal sound

The white album is their best album and I wouldn't remove a single track (even the weird ones)

Yk what, good on you. I love Bush Hall but completely disagree but if it makes you happy that's great :)

Literally came to say the same, it's fucking adorable

I worked with kids for a while, this is so true. One time we were playing outside with a bunch of scoops and random outdoor toys and one girl picked up a ball and cup game and was very passionate about how many balls in a row she could get. At first I just thought it was cute but at a certain point I actually got super invested and was rooting her on. Kids bring you a sense of your own childhood wonder back temporarily

To be fair from what I hear Jonah's abuse was child's play compared to the fucked up shit the other 2 did tho

If influencers become depressed then depression becomes a trendy style

I do remember that it came out that they were staged skits that were supposed to look real. There's a leaked clip of them rehearsing one of the later freakout videos and directing their mom on what to do

I mean I guess it depends on the school and the play in particular but I don't see an issue in just letting them put it on. A lot of people have to leave theatre and get jobs after highschool so for many it's a last hoorah for kids. And on top of that when I was in school the quality of the plays was always very hit and miss anyways. Obviously if the play is THAT bad maybe it's different but I find people understand that in highschool they aren't pros and sometimes plays don't turn out. Or maybe you have more people wanting to direct than plays you can put on? But other than those two things I can't see why you don't just let them try it and maybe just encourage them to rework the parts you think are hindering their vision

I'd say that makes her horny lawful then

If someone smells like cat pee but they look sick and have sores on their body then it's not cat pee :/

I imagine a mix of a few things:

  • random pieces of art he drew with cryptic messages

  • posts about political activism and fighting against climate change

  • Announcements/encouragement for his wife's books whenever they are about to be released

  • Announcements/encouragement for any friends or former E6 members that are still dropping music

  • weird obscure music that he found and wanted to share (he seemed to expose people to world music like in 2014 with the internet radio thing he curated with music from around the world for charity)

  • Silly dad-joke memes that make you think "Aww, it's sweet that he's trying"

It looks like the painting after it was covered in slime as well

It's not supposed to be impressive, it's supposed to be stupid and funny. Now if op was going around saying "look at this impressive thing I made personally with hours of work" I might care

It wasn't "I love you" but someone once texted me and said they liked me and my response was "Huh, well I don't lol"

They weren't a very good person so I didn't care to sugar coat

Basically a tape that Jeff didn't want people to hear got leaked and they basically turned ravenous spreading copies everywhere