Slow blinks! When a cat slow blinks they are saying, "I trust you enough to not attack me when I close my eyes."

sighs Yeah? I just haven't found it.

Pockets or holding something. Whether that's an object or the corner of my jacket or purse.

Find things to do that are more interesting than your phone. Doom scrolling gives you quick dopamine. You gotta find something that appeals to your brain more than the quick dopamine highs.

Jack is my bestie:jack_chibi:

Correct, but who do you think would've been be a girl if the school was coed.

Jack is my bestie:jack_chibi:

Zero. It demolishes my team every time. I'm working on getting them stronger.

Zoro. He'd leave me alone, and I'd leave him alone, and it'd be all good.

I don't. I'm too scared they'll take it as flirting and follow me home.

The word together is throwing me off

All of them, really. I use Dragonrend and Fire Freath, and that's it. Sometimes, I think about how little I use shouts and get a little sad. And then continue to not use them.

Jack is my bestie:jack_chibi:

Ignihyde? I don't know. I took a quiz once. I relate to Idia's desire for solitude and creation, though.

15 minutes and a heads up that they're running late.

If Night Raven College was Coed...Meme

It's already implied in story that Epel and Lilia look like women. Who else do you think would/ should be a woman?

Law. We'd just chill, maybe eventually have conversations, and he's a doctor so helpful in medical emergencies

Jack is my bestie:jack_chibi:

Him in Jack's PE uniform vignette (En) didn't help anything.

Jack is my bestie:jack_chibi:

I really wish there was more Yuu and character interaction content. More than just story dialog.