I’d prolly fuck that up real good with my mouth

You look like if Joe Exotic transitioned.

You look like you partake in sexual assault purely to brag about your “body count.”

Because he is sinking in the polls compared to Trump, and rightly or wrongly, scrutiny on Biden’s mental acuity is a huge problem for independents and low propensity voters. That problem is getting worse as time goes forward.

Simply chalking this up to one bad debate is not intellectually honest.

You look like if Syphilis was quirky.

You look like Pam from the office if she was more plain.

Holy sun damage. Better cash in on that only fans before your face looks like a 20 year old leather car seat that’s been baking in the sun.

Seriously though. Wear some sunscreen.

I’d rather any host of other option. Booker would have strong appeal, the guy is kinda goofy, but Beto could be interesting with the right vp.

Newsome would alienate the Midwest with his west coast elite status.

Once the started comparing golf handicaps I was done. Jesus Christ that debate was depressing.


Frat or not frat?

You look like you were raised Mormon but fell into meth

This man has definitely subjected his friends to the “truffle shuffle.”