I've been in your shoes. So sorry for your loss. The first thing I did after my husband's funeral was to make a new budget using only my income. For the short term it was all I could count on. I only paid housing, food, car, and insurance, while I worked on everything else. I did not pay on credit cards or funeral expenses during that time. I did write to them about my sudden circumstances. They will still bill and charge interest, but I didn't worry about that at the time. I remember well those long months of worry and grief. My heart goes out to you. 💞

I thought maybe she tried to lead him to a gravel pit....

He's bored and wants you to play with him!!!

Go to your vet please. You never know what you are actually getting in OTC meds.


Almost a year old, enjoys walks in woods and napping. Cuddly when I want to be. Hooman named me Ritz because my markings look like a Ritz Cracker.

Ok! Bedbug's are a huge no. Bedford it is!

Rinse the sink very well after cleaning it.