It’s probably not an option if OP is disabled. OP needs to contact domestic abuse hotlines and become educated on every single program available locally for resources and assistance.

Calling them out could be dangerous. OP is disabled and the family is abusive.

If your family thinks you are “sensitive” that’s code for they are abusive. Look it up. Someone saying, “You’re too sensitive” is the most obvious sign of a narcissist out there.

If you don’t have a therapist, consider getting one (if possible). If you can safely call a domestic abuse hotline and then find local domestic abuse resources, this will be your first step. Being disabled can be extremely trapping, so you’ll want to familiarize yourself with every resource out there to become as independent from your family as possible.

This is a thing. Trans men get silenced in general trans spaces. It’s a huge problem.

Scents can smell different on your skin. So you should carry the bottle over to the sink and test it out before buying (just my two cents).

I would say some things like, “Other people’s experiences are valid and they also don’t define me.” Or “I’m telling you that I’m trans and I am hoping that you will support me in that, as my friend.” Or “I never wanted to become a man. It wasn’t ever a conscious choice I made. I just am one.”

It kinda depends on how the conversation is going or what you want to get across. If they aren’t respecting your name or pronouns, then maybe it’s not worth being friends with them anymore. If you’ve had bottom surgery and are so far along in your transition, then your friend needs to get with the program already.

I wouldn’t call anyone a trender though. Never throw another trans person (current or former) under the bus. We need to support each other. Everyone’s journey is valid. There is no shame in detransitioning. Things change and that’s okay.

That’s so funny. I never thought about it. Someone said to blend into the shadows. That seems like the best answer. I would also say it’s because in the first 2-3 instances of vampires in film—they wore black. So now it’s just a visual pop-culture thing. Vampires wear black, because that’s how we’ve always seen them.

Yeah, I think you’re right. I agree.

First off, I think it was the distance from Eric that allowed you to care less. You never had to “think” about being the murderer before. You (as the viewer) were empathizing with Ariel. You felt like you were Ariel in the story. So once Ariel kills someone in the new movie you’re suddenly like, “Woah! I wouldn’t do that.”

Secondly, this is why they add that part where Ursula kills Ariel’s dad. Remember that? Ursula doesn’t kill Ariel’s dad in the animated film. They needed to make Ursula “more evil” to justify Ariel murdering her. (I didn’t find it effective. I thought it was dumb and hated how he magically came back to life. It was bad.)

The killing stuff IS outdated. We don’t need a kid’s movie character killing someone in a kids movie. It’s just yuck. No. I agree. We don’t need to kill anyone—that’s crazy. And also, it’s not relatable.

I’m glad we had this conversation. Thank you for having it with me.

That’s totally fair. I can do that if you’re interested:

Men under patriarchy are told to be violent. This is bad for them and especially bad for women. Women are also told to be meek and wait for someone else to do something. “Sit down and shut up” kinda vibes. This leads to things like domestic abuse, men dying in wars, etc. (sorry I’m trying to keep this super basic). We as a society should stop encouraging that and instead share more stories where women exercise violence and men need rescuing—to balance it out.

But again, I already shared in my other post that I prefer stories with no villains, like Encanto. I also really love Jake and the Neverland pirates, because Hook is in it, but he’s like the annoying/selfish kid on the playground. More villains should be like that. Villains that are hard to get along with, but you gotta be the bigger person. That’s how things work in the real world. You can’t kill the school bully. You need to learn how to work around people like that.

Wait, is this an autism thing? I thought this was an “everyone panics in this situation”kinda thing.

For real. ASL for babies should be the standard. Like, it’s going to make the parent’s life so much easier and the baby so much happier.

It is misogynistic, but that doesn’t mean it’s bad to like those things. It’s bad for a kids film, because of the optics. However, it’s fun in adult romances. I love all sorts of misogynistic stuff in my smut and that’s okay. It’s actually a way of processing the oppression and healing from the wounds of living under patriarchy. Totally healthy and normal to enjoy those fantasies.

Yeah there is a lot of underlying misogyny going on. I don’t know how much OP realizes it.

The story isn’t about Eric learning how to kill fish and steer a ship tho. The story isn’t about Eric being challenged by Ursula. That’s just not the story.

If your bottom line is “the man should do the killing” (I don’t know if that is your point), then you might be perceiving things from a patriarchal viewpoint.

It’s Ariel’s job to defeat Ursula. That’s good storytelling. Not deus ex machina Eric swooping down to fix Ariel’s problem for her (it doesn’t matter how well foreshadowed his lust and skill for killing fish is, he’s not the protagonist of the story).

Ariel needs to defeat Ursula herself.

Now, if this conversation was about if Ariel really needs to kill Ursula or if there could be a less violent way to have Ariel defeat Ursula—then we’d be having a very different conversation.

I prefer movies with no real villains, just misunderstanding that need resolving. Like, Encanto. Or Inside Out. Finding Nemo. A Goofy Movie.

Jake and the Neverland Pirates was great, because Hook was in it, but he’s like the annoying/selfish kid on the playground. That’s so much better for storytelling, because those are the types of villains we run into in our real lives.

Disney Jr JUST released the new Ariel show 2 days ago. In that one, Ursula is the Aunt and I think she’s supposed to be chill and not evil at all (not sure, I haven’t watched it). And this is the actual solution to this problem.

Get rid of the cartoonish villains that must be violently murdered.

Put in more Hook characters. You can’t kill the annoying kid on the playground, so you’re going to have to learn how to be the bigger person.

It’s not about making her action oriented (or violent), it’s about writing a tighter story that’s more satisfying. Eric doesn’t even know who the heck Ursula is. Ariel killing Ursula is thematically and emotionally more “on point” with the story.

Becoming part of a community/group. Making a bunch of new friends that you get to hangout with regularly once a week, sometimes more. It gets you out of the house and feeling loved/accepted by other humans.

You can do this without religion too, but religion is really good at streamlining the process, unfortunately.

I think you’re right. This gives me some hope.