Congrats on grinding one of the most mid MBT's at top tier. We look forward to your continued donations to the cosmonauts ranks

I wouldn't so much call it optimism so much as skepticism. Like, yes. Mathematically speaking, the chance of Trump erasing democracy in America are not zero. But, that doesn't necessarily mean it's high either.

He'd have to erase term limits to start, which would require erasing the 22nd Ammendment. That requires a 3/4 congressional vote, which is almost guaranteed to fail.

Then, he would have to consolidate way more power in the executive branch, which is bound to be noticed and resisted.

Just those two things alone are monumental tasks. Let alone within a mere 4 year time span. I wouldn't so much say "Have faith" more than I would ask you to recognize one of the main reasons the US is one of, if not the single longest standing democracy in modern history. The framework is built to resist tyrants. Destroying such framework requires a herculean political effort, and the consent of a large majority of the general public. Therefore, I shall remain skeptical of claims that democracy is about to fall.

Still a big iff. That and I think many are overestimating the damage he can actually do to the core structure. He will do allot of damage. That much is undeniable. But it's not like elections and all of democracy will just vanish in 4 years or less in a governmental system which has stood the test of time for around 250 years. It takes ALLOT of stuff to happen for that to even be a possibility. And most of it requires most of the country to be on the same wavelength (They aren't).

He should be prevented from getting the presidency. But in the event he ends up getting re-elected, temper your damage expectations just a bit.

Yeah, but then they run the risk of another president using that same freebie they gave Trump against their political interests. It doesn't sound like a get out of jail free card to me no matter how you slice it. My understanding is it applies to core presidential powers. If they just magically extend the core presidential powers, they're playing with fire, and they know it

"The Court thus concludes that the President is absolutely immune from criminal prosecution for conduct within his exclusive sphere of constitutional authority... ...Not all of the President's official acts fall within his "conclusive and preclusive" authority"

NGL, this doesn't sound like the kinda immunity I've heard some folks screaming about...

Basically, if it is deemed outside the sphere of the Oval Office (And sometimes even within), he's fucked just like anyone else...

If I'm getting this wrong, please explain...

You broke into my house in almost certainly the middle of the night. I don't know who you are or what you want. If you plan to fuck around, best come to peace with the possibility of finding out. I do not want to kill anybody, but if you come into my home, you're leaving in a body bag.

0/10 take. Would exercise castle doctrine again

Biden struggled to produce words while Trump spent allot of time talking, while not actually saying anything at all, going on a million tangents. If one of them wasn't going to be POTUS soon, this shit would be some Grade-A comedy...

Oh it will hurt. But, if you're in the proper position, you should be fine

I mean, I presume so. Wasn't his fault and he couldn't do anything else to avoid it. Got a birdstrike at one of the two most inconvenient times

I mean... that goes for all jets if you release enough birds...

Military fighter engines can't afford the massive bypasses found on larger civilian airlines due to space and power requirements. This is just something that occasionally happens.

At ~8,000m, Aim-120's MAR, assuming a Mach 1 launch seems to be ~14-16km if you also start at Mach 1. At lower altitudes of ~3,000m, it shrinks to ~8-9km under the same launch parameters.

Figures will fluctuate depending on mothership and target altitude, energy, and bearing. At altitudes at or above 6,000m, Aim-120 seems to have a pretty high PK within 25km, kinetically speaking. The missile is still dangerous out to 35-40km at higher altitudes though for people who aren't as aware.

F-15 has been a dream for me this patch. I usually climb to 8,000m, trying to keep my speed above 0.9 Mach during the whole climb. Then, I accelerate to Mach 1.1+ before punching off my fuel tank (I take 30 + Tank for endurance, but the tank is just for the climb). By the time I shoot, I'm usually above Mach 1.25. Usually try to shoot around 30-35km up there, enemy volley permitting. Afterwards, I have enough speed to either go cold, or still notch at high speed and push them defensive again. Eagle is proving to be a powerhouse

I've found trading some climb for speed to be just fine for the ICE. I take 20m + Tank and get to 5000m just under cons (20 degree climb angle after 0.8 mach), banking on a stealthier approach since the ICE can't climb as fast as the 4th gens. Then, I accelerate to Mach 1.2 or higher and punch the fuel tank off. Then, I keep going and try to get sub-30km (25 at best) for high PK on my Aim-120's. By that time, I'm usually at or above mach 1.3.

If I see return-fire, I have the speed to simply out-run the missile(s) if I don't feel I can safely recommit after a notch. Circle back slowly after extending a bit and search for new targets.

Works really well for me.

Come on yall. We need to get back to reality


Same goes in return for killing Russian tanks (Most players in the big-3 suck)


In fairness, Russia needs that 2016 ammo (It's still worse lmao)

If NATO got their modern ammo (Properly modeled), anything without Relikt is just a free kill

MFW THAAD, AEGIS on-shore, Patriot, and the continental anti-ballistic missile defense apparatus.

We already have one gamer XD

Oh please. How about the dudes I've been slapping from 35km in my F-15A. If they feel bad about an ICE of all things, how about a Sparrow they think is bad (Roughly the same kinetic performance over most ranges as Aim-120A/B. Just a couple seconds behind).

God of War

Correct. I notch and then keep pushing

Look, yes, the tank needs some love. But this clip was a skill issue and an apparent misunderstanding. Shots from front were a complete wiff save for the breach shot. And the side shots appear to have not worked due to the carousel being mostly empty.

If you have him disabled in an HSTV-L, go to the rear. Plenty of spall for XM885 there. That or just sim for individual crewmembers

God of War

Requests: -Reduced multipathing effect -Reduced team sizes

And then the monkeys paw curled

Gaijin: -Implements multipath reduction -Implements reduced team sizes as a chance option like night battles, rendering it semi-useless.

Now we have the clusterfuck you just want to avoid when possible...

Durable, huh? Let's see just how durable


GOATmaru with another hood classic