I do think Ramsdale 2020/2021 is better than Emi 2019/2020

Better at distribution, perhaps

He was significantly worse at shot stopping and dealing with aerials tho

Ironically Di Maria coming on as a sub and running behind the Ecuadorians was a big part of how we turned a 1-0 lead into a 3-0 win at the 2021 Copa America QF.

Sadly it's true that Di Maria is older and slower now tho

Leno was (and still is) a good keeper, and backing him over Dibu made sense given the difference in resume and experience.

I really don't think Ramsdale was a better choice over Dibu tho—not then and certainly not now.

But it's really a moot point because Arteta realized Ramsdale's deficiencies and brought in Raya (who is genuinely good IMO)

Just got mass downvoted for suggesting argentina move on from him.

Because it's a stupid suggestion, TBH

The other players love him, his leadership is great, and when he's not injured he still contributed to the team a LOT.

One shit game after injury and he should retire?

A shit game where the goal was created from his corner again too

Created both goals in the opener against Canada. His corner created the goal against Chile, and his corner created the goal today

Not the same situation at all

Brother in Christ why would he decide to chip it

TBF he's done successful paneneka penalties before (I remember watching at least 2 at Barca)

His shootout record had been quite good before this, TBH

I think he was 11/12 in shootouts before this one

or some salsa in his Chipotle if you will,

Funny enough his featured bowl on Chipotle's website is white rice, chicken, sour cream, cheese, and guac


Does not help that he has an active injury, but he has had hamstring issues for 4 years straight so it's a recurring issue

He actually looked like he regained a little zip of acceleration at the start of this MLS season IMO (after a good long break after last season)

But that's gone with the recent injury.

Nah Arsenal fans VASTLY overrated Ramsdale—the guy's an average keeper at best TBH (and even that might be over-selling his performances)

He's pretty much always been a below average shot stopper (his PSxG has been negative every single season of his career other than 21/22 when he was +0.2) who is average at claiming crosses and sweeping off his line, and above average at distribution

It's all well and good prioritizing distribution, but a top keeper has to be at least average to good at other aspects of keeping, and Ramsdale simply never was TBH

PSxG is a much better stat for goalkeepers than the ones you've mentioned, TBH


Onana was 6th in the league in terms of PSxG +/- with +2.1 (basically he saved 2.1 more goals than you'd expect an average keeper to save over the course of a season).

Ramsdale was not an upgrade on Dibu (but it doesn't matter now because you have Raya and he's good)

A psycho guy during the game, a classy guy outside of it

Dibu Martinez, the best goalkeeper in the world

It's funny but it's largely coincidence IMO

That was also the only tournament Brazil had where they didn't have any serious/good opposition.

It was the Copa America after Chile's golden generation crashed and burned and we were in transition from the 2014-2016 team that lost in every final to La Scaloneta.

Weird decisions from Scaloni today TBH

Enzo looked rusty and off the entire game, and he took a LONG time to sub him, and never brought Paredes on when the game was screaming for his control and composure IMO

Dibu is an absolute psycho during the game, but reportedly a genuine nice game outside the game TBH

Thank god for Dibu

No one cares in a win

The best goalkeeper in the world bails us out after a SHIT performance