That little waggy tale parade 😍

'Hairy left thing' has triggered my hangover giggles 👍

Could your neighbour have actually asked them to do it because they thought it looked a mess?.Then chalked it up to an 'oopsie'.

You absolute weapon. Name ONE other ethnic group that is unequivocally renowned for trashing hospitality venues.

David Rose voice Oooh Buuuuuuuuuurn.

She rides horses at a stable near where I live. Never heard anything but good things about her.

I met a very polite Canadian who worked in a bar near me. But the shit she talked about French Canadians was 👀 (They're all lazy etc...)

This reminds me of a text I got from a friend during covid when we were going insane couped up with small kids. She meant to type "At this rate I'll be shutting myself in the closet with a bottle of gin". know what happened to that 'shutting'. I 🤣

Perhaps the parents and relatives that are pressuring to reconsider could have it at one of their houses? No? Yeah, thought not.

My husband has a special walk he does when sick. It's a kind of hunched over thing. Added points for having his hood up all the time.

New builds....not so much, but my 1940's ex council house is unbelievably solid. It always amazes me when I see one of these 'fail' type compilations where Americans seem to fall through walls at the slightest touch.

Aren't all Hydrangeas solar powered?!