To start programming, follow these steps:

  1. Choose a Language: you can begin with an easy-to-learn language like Python or JavaScript. Later on you can shift to C++ (if not like it now)
  2. For Practice Coding: Solve problems on platforms like LeetCode, HackerRank, or Codecademy.
  3. Open source Projects: Create small projects to apply what you've learned and build a portfolio. you can use free-to-use open-source projects to understand the languages better. websites such as are also recommended as they contains free to use codes also you can check the screenshots and live demos of the projects.

hye! Visit here you will find the next js projects for free. Also, you can check screenshots and live demos of the projects before downloading the source code...

for me The safest backlink option post Google HCU (Helpful Content Update) is earning high-quality, natural backlinks from authoritative and relevant websites. Focus on creating valuable content that others will want to link to naturally, and engage in legitimate outreach and partnerships within your niche. Avoid manipulative tactics like buying links or participating in link schemes.

So, getting natural links is possible from all of the options, if you have a lot of time to write then go for guest posts, or if you are more social and love commenting then go for comments, and so on. So it totally depends on your area of expertise.

AI can explain grammar to a certain extent, but it may not always be perfectly accurate for a few reasons:

  1. Complexity of Language: Language is incredibly nuanced and complex. There are many rules, exceptions, idioms, and variations in grammar across different languages and even within the same language. AI systems, while advanced, may struggle to capture and explain all of these intricacies accurately.
  2. Context: Understanding grammar often requires understanding the context in which language is used. AI models may have difficulty accurately interpreting context, leading to explanations that may not fully capture the intended meaning or usage.
  3. Ambiguity: Language is inherently ambiguous at times, with sentences that can be interpreted in multiple ways depending on context or subtle linguistic cues. AI systems may struggle with disambiguation and may provide explanations that are not always clear or accurate.
  4. Evolution of Language: Language is constantly evolving, with new words, expressions, and grammar rules emerging over time. AI models may not always be up-to-date with the latest linguistic developments and may not accurately reflect current usage.

First, try to get better at searching the forums you visit. It's a useful skill. If you can't do that, then you probably shouldn't waste time learning about APIs or how snakes relate to AI.

Instead, focus on the business and sales aspects. They might be more suited to your strengths.

The best solution for broken links depends on the context and your goals. Here's a breakdown:

  1. Redirects: If the content that the broken link originally pointed to has been moved to a new location, it's generally best to set up a redirect from the old URL to the new one. This ensures that users who click on the link are seamlessly directed to the correct content. Additionally, redirects can help preserve any existing SEO value associated with the old URL by passing along link equity.
  2. Delete: If the content that the broken link pointed to is no longer relevant or doesn't exist anymore, and there's no suitable alternative to redirect users to, then deleting the link may be the best option. However, before deleting, consider whether there are any alternative pages or resources that could be linked to instead.
  3. Custom Error Page: Another option is to create a custom 404 error page that provides helpful information to users who encounter a broken link. This page can include navigation links, a search bar, or suggestions for related content to help users find what they're looking for.

yes, it will for sure... there is no doubt at all! but the question is how much its going to affect are old practices of SEOs... I am already got sad this post is worked as an reminder...:-) well, there is always a way out and new way to face the technology and its effect!

You're getting paid to do what you said you'd do, even if it means being there in person sometimes. At the end of it all, a job can just be about getting paid. It doesn't have to be your passion or purpose in life.

Also, Instead of seeing your coworkers as working from home, think of them as having jobs that take them outside the office, like sales or fieldwork. Enjoy the peace and quiet. Sometimes, it's even more disruptive when coworkers interrupt the quiet with news or stories you're not interested in, like their latest hobbies or vacation adventures.

if you are more into classy and simple then go for the first one. Or if you are looking for something shiny or more fancy then you must have to go with second one. but for me always fancy and shiny so my personal choice is second one...:-)

No, I really like it... the color the style , everything is just perfect for me.

I guess we already have... everyone is using smartphones!even if there is a security or a maid or a 60 year old lady, I have seen almost all of them using smartphone. But yeah there are still some people who think smartphones are useless because they love there simple phone... and those are the most purest persons...