Certified Proctologist [27]

It’s because it’s easier (read lazy/inconsiderate of your feelings) for him to hector you about it.

Certified Proctologist [27]

Agree. I usually hate gin, but there’s a local bar that makes the most delicious martini with Empress gin and elderflower. Hard to stop at 2 lol.

Certified Proctologist [27]

Whoa, that’s a huge problem. I can’t tell you what to do, but you know that’s not acceptable. So it’s ok to spend tons of resources on his family, he doesn’t even have to consult you , and yet he’s throwing a tantrum about you spending peanuts on your family. . .NTA

Certified Proctologist [27]

Way to go, OP, good for you ! It’s really unfortunate that your friends chose to take out their insecurities on you. I really doubt their husbands expressed any concern. This is borne out by their reaction, going nuclear and very personal. If they really cared about you they would be happy for you, and any envy they felt they would keep to themselves and deal with. It’s understandable perhaps that they might feel insecure and/or envious but the way they took it out on you is not acceptable. NTA

Certified Proctologist [27]

Yeah, it’s kinda sad, in that era, when they were raised, that’s often how they were taught and what they observed. They worked really hard to provide monetarily, but missed out on the emotional bonding.

Certified Proctologist [27]

🤣🤣🤣best description of snoring EVER

Certified Proctologist [27]

Brother has regressed and become a giant infant. NTA, next time he can either not go, pony up the additional money for a bigger place or suck it up.

Certified Proctologist [27]

Tha reminds me of my 2nd grade teacher (Sr. Salome, but of course we called her Sr. Salami behind her back). I’ve always loathed canned peaches, they make me gag. One day lunch included yo guessed it, canned peaches. She made me sit there until I ate all of them, then I promptly threw up all over the cafeteria table. She never forced me to eat anything again.

Certified Proctologist [27]

Same here, I’m more like OP but my SO realllly enjoys company, having people over etc. I realized it wasn’t fair for me to object as long as it’s not every weekend. I can deal with a few people for a few hours. Just need to set reasonable boundaries.

Certified Proctologist [27]

Yes, and when I lived in a house with a septic tank, we used that enzyme stuff (ridx I think). We only owned that house about 3 years and never had to empty it.

Certified Proctologist [27]

Way to go. You‘re going to be a good MIL ☺️

Certified Proctologist [27]

Well, she’s entitled to her beliefs but she’s in no way entitled to impose them on you. Your daughter was playing a game in the privacy of your home, not harming or bothering anyone.

Certified Proctologist [27]

Yeah, they’re trying to pull a petty mind-f*ck on you. They sound like kindergarteners. Others have already noted how odd the matching outfits are for so-called adults. Hope your husband has your back, but given how immaturely they seem to behave I wouldn’t expect much.ETA judgment, NTA

Certified Proctologist [27]

NTA, and how is you not being a housewife in any way related to or a cause for going to hell. That’s ridiculous and she’s being a judgmental uninformed and unkind person. . .does that sound like someone who’s more interested in the “form” of religion rather than the substance (she’s more concerned about appearances than actual faith)?

Certified Proctologist [27]

For real. Mine tend to be a lot more like cluster headaches where I can’t see out of the eye on the affected side, eye and nostril water on that side, and I want to bang my head against the wall, pace around etc. Imitrex made mine way worse. On a crazy regimen now, but at least no more trips to the ER. Takes a long time and much experimentation with different meds to find what helps.

Certified Proctologist [27]

Yeah I thought this sounded familiar too. ETA I think that post was from the kids’ perspective if I recall correctly.

Certified Proctologist [27]

NTA it sounds like everyone is aware of her behavior and issues, which are in no way your fault. Maybe look into AlAnon meetings near you, they can help you to better understand what’s happening and how to deal with it.