Original Post. 

Tl:Dr: My wife found out our babysitter, Atlas, was non-binary and asked some overly invasive questions about him, which shocked me and made me snap at at her.

This wasn't really a dramatic/difficult situation to resolve, thank you for the affirmation and correction on my language.

Less than a day after this was posted I talked it through with my wife, and she agreed that she was in the wrong, and offered to apologise to Atlas, but I didn't think it was a good idea to tell Atlas about our conversation, so that wasn't a concern.

Some of you guys were quick to judgements, which is understandable but no I am not an abuser and my wife is not a bigot. She told me this was new to her, and she was surprised because she'd had an image in her head of what trans people look like and Atlas didn't really fit that as they looked more like a cis-guy, and she wanted to know why, but had gone too far.

It was suggested that I ask her how she'd feel about someone talking about our kids like that, and this did make her realise why I'd reacted the way I did. I apologised for snapping and she apologised for her comments and for not letting me explain myself.

So everything ended well. Atlas is still babysitting for us, and my wife made them some cookies, which he shared with the kids.