Non-native English speaker, please excuse any errors. My husband and I recently moved to a rural area, to be closer to family and have more space for our pets, we found a perfect house with good land for our four dogs and three cats to be free, due to the move we have not installed internet, my daughter, Sama, 7, has been watching a lot of television because we still do not have internet and she found a religious television channel, where they show sermons and Bible movies, there she saw a sermon where "They take evil spirits out of people."

She loved it. He devised this game where out of nowhere he takes a cat or a dog, looks it in the eyes while telling it that it will burn in the flames of hell and that it must be sacrificed to be purified while petting it, other times he shakes or places his hand on the pet's head while "praying" for it. At first I was worried, especially because she was being a bit rough with the pets, but she assured me that she knew exorcisms didn't exist and she just liked how it felt to be able to scream, the pets seemed fine with it too, one of our cats every time he sees her, he chases her rubbing her head and purrs like crazy when she starts the "exorcism", our dog, a German shepherd, pats her on the back every time he wants to be "exorcised" and so on.

My cousin, who is super religious came to visit and saw my daughter watching that channel, she congratulated her for choosing to invest her time in the good ways, but just before dinner one of our dogs started licking my daughter's hand and she She turned immediately and looked him in the eyes seriously as she told him that he was a filthy sinner and placed her hand on the dog's head, caressing it as she said that it was evil incarnate.

My cousin was horrified by this, I explained to her that it was just a game, but she insists that little girls should play with dolls and the kitchen, she started criticizing my motherhood and my life choices in general (I'll go to hell for not being a housewife), I got angry because Sama is quite happy with her game and even the pets seem happy, the visit ended, but not before a couple of colorful words. My cousin and other family members have called me and told me how worrying my daughter's actions are, but honestly Sama is just a girl who loves to play, that's all, AITA?