If you want to speak English only, you should go to the UK or Ireland. Also, the gas prices are probably higher in Europe than Canada, same as the car prices and the overall cost of life. Imo you're better off staying where you are, especially when a lot of Europeans are currently moving out to countries like Canada or Australia.

LMAO that's a long story

I began as a random count in Ireland (how original), and after unifying it, my beneficiary won Egypt in a crusade, I decided to become him, then reinvaded Ireland later.

Also I kept invading the pagans at the south of my realm and ended up getting enough to form the empire.

That's probably what I'll do to avoid them desiring my second title

But won't I get a relation malus ? I created all of the kingdoms I could and got some -60 with some of my vassals

Should I create a second empire title?CK2

I just created the empire of Kanem-Bornou, which allowed me to easily annex new kingdoms as I already owned a lot of lands in Europe. I quickly annexed Scotland and England, and I'm now able to create the British empire, is it useful in any way or should I stick to my current empire? The succession law is agnatic primogeniture anyway.

As a french speaker : Swiss french has very few differences from standard french, except for counting (eg. 90 -> quatre-vingt-dix 🇫🇷, nonante 🇨🇭, yeah the swiss one makes way more sense), and some expressions or words like "tantôt" or "souper", it's the same.

That's why you haven't encountered this problem in Romandy. I don't know for Italian however.

C'est histoire de pas mettre tous ses oeufs dans le mĂŞme panier, je vois. Bon Ă  savoir j'y repenserai.

Ah le paragraphe sur les mineurs est intéressant, c'est précisément mon cas. Ça va sûrement se passer chez Boursobank du coup. Merci.

Merci pour ces infos. Les cartes virtuelles m'intéressent pas mal, ça peut être très utile. À quoi ça sert d'avoir deux banques ? (J'y connais pas grand chose désolé)

Oui ces deux là ressortent souvent, quelle différence entre les deux ?

Chez quelle banque ouvrir mon premier compte ?Banque

Bonjour, je suis désolé si la question a déjà été posée, mais je vais devoir ouvrir mon premier compte car je vais entrer en contrat d'alternance en juillet. Je souhaite une banque en ligne pour ne pas payer de frais, je n'aurai aucune utilité d'un conseiller ou de je ne sais quelle sécurité avec mes 700€ par mois. Le problème est que je ne serai majeur qu'en août, est-ce possible d'ouvrir un compte en tant que mineur ? J'imagine qu'il faut l'accord des parents mais ceux-ci sont chez crédit mutuel et je ne souhaite pas être client chez cette banque.


I usually give him a bishop title wich makes him unable to inherit

I didn't now they needed to do all of this just to hire me, but I can see why it's impractical. Thank you for your explanation !

Thank you for your detailed answer ! I'll stick to pubs and restaurants, as you suggested

I see, thank you. So I would probably have better chances of getting a job in a hotel or restaurant in a big city like Sydney or Perth, right ?

That's sad for Darwin, it looked beautiful, what about Hobart, TAS ?

Tbh I would accept any company that could hire me for a decent wage. It can't be as bad as a french restaurant. But yeah I'll have to look for something else since apparently there's a 6 months limit with the same employer on WHV (which sucks, why is it like this ?)

And I suppose it's difficult to get another visa without a PhD in astrophysics, right ?

Can I work as a FIFO chef on a WHV ?no politics

I'm considering doing some WHVs once I get my diploma (currently in a culinary school in France to prepare a BTS, equivalent to an Advanced Diploma in Australian system), and Australia seems to be the best destination for it as I don't want to struggle with language barrier and racism in asian countries.

So today as I was checking Indeed to see what kind of jobs are available, I found out about FIFO chefs, and this system seems like a good way to enjoy my WHV, high wages to sustain the high cost of life and enough free time to visit.

Also, it seems that Sodexo offers a lot of these jobs, and it's a french company so maybe being french can help me getting a job with them ?

PS : to avoid double posting, I have another question, I found about Darwin, NT, and it looks like a really good city to live in as I hate big crowded city and am used to small European towns, is there something I need to know about this place for WHV ?

The AI is totally unable to maintain a kingdom. I remember that time when I unified Ireland and Scotland (how original), and then won the kingdom of Egypt in a crusade. I decided to play as the character which obtained the kingdom since he had claims on my current kingdoms, planning to just conquer them back with my brand new realm. I just had the time to set everything up that my former territories were already in a civil war, my former character fucked up everything I did.

Same for another kingdom I won in a crusade (Perm if I remember right), my beneficiary had no heir so I decided to play as him and kill myself so the territory goes to my main character, and the few weeks it took me to do so were enough for the AI to fuck up my laws and vassals in my former territories.

They're just terrible at managing a realm.