Crusader Kings

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Tutorial Tuesday : July 02 2024

Tuesday has rolled round again so welcome to another Tutorial Tuesday.

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When the 1178 start date drops, who will you play as first?DLC

Personally, Alfonso I of Portugal.

Props up to paradox if they create a custom legend for the guy, as his reign is basically the myth foundation of the country.

Something as "The sighting of the cross", giving boost for naval speed, and caballeros.

Unpopular opinion: I like legitimacy a lotCK3

TLDR: Legitimacy adds extra challenge, thematic value and more consequences to player actions.

Disclaimer: I'm not saying it can't be improved but I like what it adds to the game in its current state. I also was not to fond of it when it first arrived

I like it because:

  1. It adds more difficultly to a game that requires self imposed restrictions or RP restrictions to be challenging. I understand the game is hard at start but it helps add replayability. (Especially for longer term players)

  2. It gives me another factor to consider when making that has consequences beyond this characters lifetime. If I marry a lowborn for great stats or traits it significantly effects my dynasty's (the part I play) legitimacy.

  3. It is very thematic and RP friendly. Your dynasty renown is how famous your whole dynasty is, I see legitimacy as how good your branch of the dynasty's reputation is as rulers. People blame you for plagues you caused as much as plagues you didn't? Yep that what people do! People get mad at you for greedily revoking titles and hold it against you heir/family? Yes that makes sense! Lose a battle and people are jumping on the excuse to say you are a bad ruler...yep many do. If you have a decent amount of legitimacy all of these are very minor set backs to your legitimacy levels.

  4. It adds balance. You can be highly legitimate as a count but if you rise the ranks to duke and then King too quickly you are seen as less legitimate. It makes you consider the speed of your can still blob and grow fast if you also grow legitimacy. It adds consequences to the long term. Before I could easily do a bunch of degenerate shit at the end of my rulers lifetime to set my heir up for a sweet rule and not give a shit what people think as I was about to die. now I can still do this and not suffer opinion loss for my heir but the actions of the father effect the legitimacy of their heir. And I love this!

  5. There are plenty of ways to earn legitimacy. Legends (always more than you need) Conquest Feast Hunt Pilgrimages Tournaments Weddings Funerals Holding court Events Forming titles

If you are an Empire title you need loads of legitimacy and maybe these aren't enough but that makes sense. To be respected as an Emperor in a very recent Empire you would need to do some outrageous shit.

Once I have a stable realm for a generation or two I have more Legitimacy than I know what to do with.

  1. It adds more consequences. Simply it makes me consider my actions more. I think now if a course of action is worth it. Often I chose between an immediate bonus or added legitimacy...short term gain or longer term gain that helps my future line of succession. And yes it is lost by many factors you didn't chose or inadvertently effected but that's what people do with rulers...blame them for everything.

  2. It encourages consolidation. It is a long term multi-generational resource. If you chill at a certain tier title for a generation or you will gain loads of legitimacy. You can start as a illegitimate duke and by the time your son is old you will be highly legitimate dukes or if you want you can be Kings with some legitimacy. It makes sense that jumping the power hierarchy will need time for people to adjust.

  3. You can ignore it. Absolutely can do. Yes there are downsides but i have played a few characters and just totally ignored legitimacy, leaving that for me decendants to worry about. Just did what my character needed to do to survive and stay in power. Low legitimacy does not stop you doing anything it merely makes things harder.

Overall I love that it adds some thematic aspects and tries to reflect your standing as a line of rulers across time. I love most of all that it gives more consequences to my decision which my ADHD thrives on.

Am I saying it is perfect? No. Can it be improved? Yes.

But I think the devs did a great job bringing a new system into the game without needed to overhaul the whole mechanics of play from the ground up. (Which is another discussion)

I was just fed up of all the people complaining about the mechanic and how hard it is to gain Legitimacy and how it makes the game too hard. So yeah change my mind if you want but I'm delighted with Legitimacy.

Swearing fealty is all fun and games games until your new liege seizes all of your claims in less than an in game year 😂🙃👍🏻Story

Jokes on them because when I got the eventual game over I chose to play as that liege and gave my former player heir their titles back 😂👌🏻

Disinheriting should be free in some cases.Meta

If your child has any of the infamy traits or multiple sinful traits you should be able to use them to disinherit them for free or for a smaller cost at least.

by FeedanSneedBohemia
I hate Legitimacy mechanic CK3

How to gain this stupid resource ?

-Win war (only with someone equal or higher tier rank) + 50. If enemy has lower rank you don't have shit. If you are an emperor then you can say goodbye to this way. - attending activity+ 30,40 each. If that activity is a massive one like grand tournament,you would get around 300. The problem: When you have low legitimacy,which is early game,you don't roll around with money and these thing cost a shit load of money. - Legend . Same problem above,except it even more expensive for even less legitimacy. - release valuable prisoner? You have to choice between gold and legitimacy. And if the prison is a count or above,the money gain is just too much to skip. Now let see how we could lose all those hard earn legitimacy. : - lose batte - 50. Yes,a fucking single battle lose is enough to wipe out 50 legitimacy. - lose war -100. Well ,this one make sense. - a plague kiss your realm. Depend on where it hit,you will lose from 20 to 120 legitimacy. And if you dare to pick less negative choice in the plague event,you lose even more. If you play in ireland,or France,You could say good bye to all your legitimacy every 5,6 years, sometime even shorter - Court event. This one not much,also can be avoid by spending money. - Do tyrantny stuff -100. This one make sense - marry a lowborn -300. This one is just straight up tell you : Do not marry a lowborn

As you can see,You can lose legitimacy just by existing(plague),while gaining those same legitimacy back will cost you a fortune (and time). And in those time,your vassal will alway have some funny idea about overthrow you. Please fix legitimacy. At least do this : - winning war alway give legitimacy,no matter how small enemy is. - winning batte should also give a small amount of legitimacy. - Plague should hit the legitimacy of the holder of that domain,not the top liege of it. Thank you for listen to my rant

Anyone else prefer 867 because it’s closer to the fall of the Roman Empire?CK3

Obviously this is only for people who like to reform the Roman Empire, but I really like having the start date as close to the fall of Rome as possible to try to keep it as close to a continuation as possible.

Wondering how many other people think like this when choosing the earliest start date.

I shouldn’t get tyranny for revoking a titleCK3

A duke who holds two duchies attempted to commit regicide. I had him arrested after exposing the secret. Why would revoking a title cause tyranny? He tried to kill the king! Everyone saw him try. But if I attempted to punish him by revoking a title I'm the tyrant?

How do u live past 70Meta

The longest i’ve lived is 74 i think, how tf do people live until their 100s

Absolute Worst Starts?CK3

After conquering the Abassids and half the Sejuks with Georgia, I'm looking for a way to make the game more interesting, so I want to know peoples thoughts on what are just the absolute worst starts the game can have. I'm thinking either Cyprus or really any island kingdom that isn't norse, that are technically kingdom titles but the land is almost worse than a regular count tier county. Though maybe parts of the independent rulers in Mongolia could come close.

