I'm considering doing some WHVs once I get my diploma (currently in a culinary school in France to prepare a BTS, equivalent to an Advanced Diploma in Australian system), and Australia seems to be the best destination for it as I don't want to struggle with language barrier and racism in asian countries.

So today as I was checking Indeed to see what kind of jobs are available, I found out about FIFO chefs, and this system seems like a good way to enjoy my WHV, high wages to sustain the high cost of life and enough free time to visit.

Also, it seems that Sodexo offers a lot of these jobs, and it's a french company so maybe being french can help me getting a job with them ?

PS : to avoid double posting, I have another question, I found about Darwin, NT, and it looks like a really good city to live in as I hate big crowded city and am used to small European towns, is there something I need to know about this place for WHV ?