This is what my wife and I did. Not Fiji, but we went off just the two of us, came back and had the "reception" for everyone

It's just a play on metals and the Heavy Metal genre. It has nothing to do with specific bands. You're overthinking it.

Oh, I see what you're asking. I don't think that's what this shirt(?) is about. I think it's just a joke about Metals being Heavy Metal music; I don't think they were intending to reference specific bands.

It's Zinc. Another metal on the periodic table.

That's not even a photo of an actual shirt. Lol

I can't predict the future, but if, after reading what Project 2025 is, you aren't concerned about the possibilities...yikes.

Edit: especially with SCOTUS' most recent ruling about a president's immunity.

Yeah....Obama broke them. Their bigotry could not take it.


Won't he get off since FL has that "right of protection" (or whatever they call it) law? One old guy got off after shooting a dad in a movie theater because he threw popcorn at the old guy, and the old guy "feared for his life"

Edit: the law is called "Stand Your Ground"

Wearing perfume (or cologne) in public is, unfortunately, not a Boomer-specific thing

@spursmuse is a good one, especially during the season.

Wonder how long it would last if Project 2025 happens

This wasn't a KoQ episode. It was a Cosby show episode. Not the regular one everyone knows, the later one with Madeline Kahn and Doug E. Doug.

What show is this? You didn't include the name.

Like a specific one or just generally?