Ripping what out? You try not to do it for too long. It’s not like you are doing this for hours. It’s in fits and spurts.

There are LOTS of examples of married men and women getting fucked by people other than their spouse. Just sayin’.

Air Force Veteran

I know if I was still on active duty, I’d nope out on that and recommend that everyone else do the same. If I’m wrong, I’ll take the court-martial.

I prefer Giant Meteor ‘24. But that’s because I’ve lost most of my faith in humanity and think we should give some other life form a shot at running this place better than us.

That’s the PPB. When you are pulling high G maneuvers, you can gang load your regulator and it starts shoving oxygen down your throat. You have to forcefully EXHALE to overcome the pressure of the oxygen coming in.

My fleet isn’t extortionist, but we do have a very reasonable donation/time requirement. Only takes one asshole that raids your fleet bank/resources for you to set limits.

We also have g-suits that help squeeze your legs and abdomen to keep your blood from pooling down there. You can also employ positive pressure breathing. It’s not exactly fun, but it works.

And by ‘we’, I mean military aviation.

Probably, because nothing can sneak up on her.

Plot twist, the car was airborne when it hit the plane and brought it down.

She fortunately can’t feel it though. The little mushroom is still back in his fat pad.

Which is why we need mandatory voting. The Republicans would have to actually come up with policies people like and not just feed off of hate. Either that or they would be relegated to the trash bin of history.

Veteran - 13B3E/G

Go celebrate by throwing some tea in your local harbor!

Found out his 5000 kids aren’t his. Decided to end it all.

I know five fat cats. She is four of them!

I kid, I kid! But she is on the chonk spectrum.

Her eyes don’t even like her and are trying to run away from ger face. Doesn’t have to turn her head to look both ways before crossing.

Veteran - 13B3E/G

Does anyone here want some nicely cared for uniforms? I was cleaning out my under stairs closet and found two garment boxes. One has all my service dress stuff and the other has my mess dress. If I lived near a base still (I ain’t driving to Edwards), I’d take them to the Airmen’s Attic. I don’t think either of those have changed for a while have they?

I’ve had the displeasure of driving in 40 states and 6 European countries. EVERYWHERE has assholes who believe that rules don’t apply to them. The worst I’ve seen out of all of them were in Miami. Absolute fucking morons behind the wheel.

I have two! My wife said she doesn’t like them but then we found some nice ones that don’t look like an old school La-Z-Boy and now she loves hers.

Only if you aren’t a ghost, otherwise that leads to the ghost ‘sexy room’.

Alan Alda is one of my ‘If you could have dinner with anyone.” people.