Glorified mascots living in a fishbowl for tourism. A waking nightmare...

Or your typical life right now... plus a ton of cash!

Just give me the money and leave me in peace.

I think "hate" is a strong word. Most folks seem to think the games has slowly declined from their point of entry. What most fail to realize is... it's lost it's freshness to them. Not actually gotten really worse. This is a problem with most franchises. People blame the studios as if they're somehow failing to recapture the original magic... when they don't understand... you can't recreate your first time.

I'm not saying some franchises didn't actively get worst... just some of them have had competent sequels... that still got bashed... for not recreating the exact "new experience" the original had.

To me Horizon 3 (my point of entry!) was the best. FH4 was a mostly lateral move... and FH5 seemed a little less magical than it. Yet I still love and recommend them all. I realize FH6 may somehow feel even less exciting... but I bet it'll still be a robust adventure racer that puts most others in the genre to shame.

Which brings me to... Just buy the Forza Horizon games for keeps. They are gems of the genre and when they're gone forever you've truly missed out on something special.

Even though there's nothing remotely difficult about the choice this election... AT ALL.
It wouldn't be as chaotic as you think. Dems would probably go with Kamala or any other sub option they were thinking of. Republicans would perhaps go with Trump's VP pick. Honestly it wouldn't change much. The stakes would be roughly the same. The Republican party has made it's stance clear and it goes beyond just Trump.

I wouldn't completely dismiss a 20 year occupation of a foreign country across an ocean... losing only a few thousand men. Russia lost 15k in the same exact country over 9 years.

Doom Guy basically beats... almost anything. You could drop him in 40k and he'd hold up pretty well. Chief at least keeps it interesting as he could die. Unlikely... but he could!

It feels like one of those terribly acted PSA's about a true story that someone turned into a skit by adding the Xbox bit at the end. Or the entire thing is a skit. I don't know.

Those are my guesses.

IMO... timeless. They are as fun as they day they released. SOTN too... PS1 (and many other platforms now) ... but still.

I dunno... it's rare to point to a game that's basically eternally great.

I'd imagine similar to MGSV. You could still sneak up on some enemies/creatures and either remove some curse in the case of recruitable people... and outright kill something that's not a person (similar to backstab in Souls games). Either way you know at some point combat will break out. So stealth likely wouldn't work all the time... or at all in boss fight scenarios.

If anything it'd help Elden Ring add some layers to it's stealth. Which is really just... don't be seen. Something you could embrace by focusing your town expansions on! Like blending in to more environments, stealth upgrades to armor. Again... all a choice. If you want to stomp around in heavy armor and smash something with a warclub... you could do that.

I mean... aside from the destruction their sudden size would cause. They would grow within the walls of buildings/homes etc. That alone could cause... trillions of dollars of damage. Yes... with a T. Because where is there NOT roaches? That would probably be their biggest impact. Just mass... accidental destruction.

There are potential disgusting benefits to starving regions. Look at all that meat. I'm pretty confident we'd still eradicate them... but the world would take quite a while to rebuild. Not to mention the ecological impact. A lot of other creatures needed them for food. With their extinction (by us killing them) who knows what my happen to all kinds of ecosystems.

They'll all die on their own. Their limbs breaking unable to support their weight. Their body is designed specifically because of it's size. Same with any insect really. Ant's and spider's legs would snap at the sudden weight.

MGSV and Elden Ring.

You roam a vast open world full of mysteries and horrors to fight. All while recruiting people to join an ever growing village that adds to your abilities to explore/fight into greater depths.

Really lean into both strengths. So that base building/upgrades and characters you meet are addicting as all get out... while rewarding you with epic boss fights. Imagine recruiting some former bosses to your town or join you in the fight!

I tried two Dragon Quests. I couldn't get into them. I've played Final Fantasy 1 - 15 and Remake. I've no PS5 or I'd also have played Rebirth and 16. I figure that answers your question.

I gotta admit. The art style is off putting to me. I love it for Dragon Ball and that's it. It always felt weird for me to see it elsewhere. I did beat Blue Dragon! Maybe my stupid brain was like... well it has Dragon in the title! I'm not against anime style at all. I rather enjoyed Ni No Kuni.

Option to toggle off. That's it. Let the crazies enjoy their fun. Let the "serious" folks have theirs.

I only forgive Square Enix... because FF15 was one of the worst development hell titles they've ever had. It basically got rebooted three times over the course of development. It was originally Final Fantasy 13 versus. Slowly evolved into FF15. Then jumped to another generation/platform. Then had it's director taken off and new one put on. Tabata... basically had to make the hard choices to try and get something functional for shipping. Then they tried to make it right with DLC.

It honestly sounded like a nightmare and the fact we got anything close to resembling a game is remarkable. It absolutely had wasted potential... but given all that happened I'm not sure it ever could have been realized. It was basically Star Citizen without a cult funding it... only SE decided to actually make the hard choices and make a game.

How would they reach me up on Mount Doom where I've constructed my fortress? Do they give up after 24 hours? Can I just have my guards drop em? If it's truly random... do they hop a flight from whatever country they're in to get to me? How is the fight decided to be over? Can I just lay down and concede?

It would get a bit tiresome every day at random to be interrupted. Middle of a game, sex, eating dinner, bathroom, sleeping? Tough. You've gotta deal with rando throwing down. Assuming all the other options for guards/defenses are circumvented.

Even if I'd win the fights it'd get tiresome. You'd have that constant expectation of... when's it going to happen? Only feeling truly free once the fight for the day is over.

I only need to open two... I'd be tempted by three. Assuming no loop holes were possible.

Otherwise there are many ways to get around the bomb.

Hardly any of this will last. Only a few words will endure. We've already burned through so much slang the last two decades that are already dead.

It's funny... kids and teens desperately try to be cool. It's only when you're older you realize what a stupid pursuit it is and how embarrassing it was to attempt it.

Well... I like to write. So... I often envision their point of view. Weirdest thing was I've dreamt twice I was a woman. I have no real desire to be one. I rather like being a guy. I just think all those thousands of hours of thinking about their problems and living their lives had an impact on me.

Mario Kart. I'm serious. I wish their A.I wasn't so cheap and blueshells didn't exist... but I still love it. I had enjoyed both Most Wanted games from the NFS franchise. PGR3 was nifty. Beetle Adventure racing? We're getting real old here. Rock n Roll racing.

Yeah, important to point out the games are still fully functional after delisting. This isn't a "The Crew" situation. Thankfully!

I'll never understand how we're even entertaining Trump as an option. Never.

I didn't figure out there was a fast travel or how to use it in RDR2 for like 70% of the game. My friend... was blown away. He walked me through it lol.

You're the most upvoted for a reason. This one wins hands down. Yes, Andor is better written, but Mando is better balanced. You get plot, action, a tone set with fairly decent writing. Andor you get... a slow burn, tone with amazing writing.

I've always said the key to a perfect Star Wars story is in-between the heights of Mando and Andor. Seriously Lucasfilm/Disney. That's it. That's the formula. Find that balance and you're golden. Doesn't matter if it focuses on Jedi or Nobodies... just have great pace with some solid set pieces and well written characters doing things that matter.

Also, cut the 28 minute episode nonsense.

You literally described my life as it happened. I was mature for my age... at 15 I was hanging out with 30 year olds and felt much more comfortable. Listening to their life problems etc. Not even kidding. Heck I remember one long conversation with this poor woman and her divorce... and I was friends with both sides of it. Yes... at 15!

So anyways I really... didn't get along with fellow youth. Almost all the other kids/teens were insufferable or into things I didn't care about. Probably why I mostly got along with girls better... even if half the time they were "ew boys" early on.

A perfect example... was at 11 I was watching Jurassic Park with friends... and they absolutely lost it when Malcom made the joke about dinosaur poop. I remember thinking at the time (to the point it's a core memory) what's so funny? I think the mere concept it was... poop... entertained them.

My point being... I'd be fine. Plus I've got a lot of mistakes to undo. Mostly health related.