Cold feet nervous. How about a nice cup of calming jasmine tea?

Who's that daughter from Castle? Nathan Fillion's daughter. Shit now I gotta look it up.

Molly Quinn

If I had a nickel for everytime I jerked it to Christina Hendricks I'd have like, a couple dollars.

All is well that ends well. Funnily enough, I have a friend who had TWO bear encounters. One, he was in the woods, and a cub walked up to him. He was like, awesome. Then, he realized cubs NEVER travel away from momma bear if she's alive. Turns out she was 50 yards away watching. He just kept backing up until out of sight, then ran. The second time he was in Russia for some weird rafting/hothouse/getting whipped with branches. Idk weird Russian shit. So his raft sort of beaches after a rapid, he looks up and sees the biggest fucking grizzly that ever lived, charging his raft! Back paddle back paddle back paddle and let the river save him. He bearly has any luck.

Look, this is a stupid argument. How about we settle it with, just don't fight apex predators? I don't want beef with anyone, especially strangers.

Of course if you are armed it changes the outcome. I could kill a kaiju if I threw a hydrogen bomb in its mouth. A FIGHT is no weapons, no holds barred.

And yet, a disturbing amount of people say, "eh, I'd probably lose, but if I got lucky....."

The point was that the tiger treated him like a toy. If he wanted, needed, to eat you, any human being would lose.

Can you smooch it, then throw it into a horses skull and kill it's rider whilst a city watches? Valar Morgulis

Can you smooch it, then throw it into a horses skull and kill it's rider whilst a city watches?

People who think they can fight a grizzly bear should watch this. Carried that poor fucker off like groceries.

Exactly. It's not like a drug deal in a Walmart parking lot. They have people for that.

I was thinking maybe a golden retriever. Named Mr. Muggles.

Krankie is my favorite character. His past is crazy, and this guy is the sane, caring one. Mon petit Huey🤌