Stick a baby snake plant in. They'll do just fine in that window, they grow slow so it will fit for ages and they more or less look the same all year. You can get loads of different patterns and even a few types. I think it would be a good fit and in fact :


scroll down only to find hardly no one trying to fight you! WTF

Hahaha in my head I just watched you stompin up and down the aisle smoking a cigarette going all Dennis Leary. That rant had FURY!

'I said (exaggerated voice to cover distance) "your zipper's down and everyone can see your mom's underwear/micro-peen/the boil on your left nut." Or something

Nope, Paul Stammets My muse for full 15 minutes. Think tomorrow night is gonna be interesting tho, found other books while looking at that book now I've got a new hobby this week.

Oh and I think that might be the guy. Or he talks about it.

How's my theory holding up with what you learned? Don't need a complex analysis (unless you're offering) but I'd be interested to know either way,

Oh shit I have, and I totally forgot! Oh that had to have had an impact on that whole idea.

I did like that show tho, and that game of thrones guy.

Exactly! So imagine them just chilling around, working out what's up, evolving and what not, got super smart (as implied by the actual language) Then had a fiddle about with the ooze, triggering all the other neat stuff that happened since.

Did they just create an endless food source, semi- intentionally?

Then noticed we got kinda smart, tried communicating via religion and weird spiritual trippy experiences and whatever. We haven't paid enough attention we're about to make a real mess, so perhaps whilst "communicating" inspires us to A.I in order for us to understand them i.e direct speech. I mean, I dunno, fell down a rabbit hole briefly, inspired by some mushroom (and all it's like) science guy. Then and my current condition and here we are.

Yeah so just had a quick dive into fungi and stuff on Google and freaked out a bit. Levelled off now What was the confusing bit?

Have we been farmed by the mushrooms? I had an idea... 🧪

So if mushrooms were here before most other good stuff, and when you even get a quick look at the stuff these guys get up to on a daily basis between learning they've got real language and sharing it with plants and trees. We're finding them munching down on bowling balls and toxic waste, like hardly anyone is really paying attention there are some but I think it needs more.

Like I said they were kinda alone for a while, what if they just stirred the go and said "let's see if we could rustle up something else to do" and they're just doing ALL the things now! Fuck! What if that's what AI is for? So they can manifest and take charge back from the out of control experiment

Only just now learned it's name, and makes total sense, if I look at it too directly it drops half it's leaves like it died! Only for skinny wee babies to sprout up and do the same 🤣

Europeans, or my personal experience, Brits tip just fine, both in bar and restaurants if you're good at your job.

Forcing niceness is a bad idea, pay at least minimum living wage. Then tips would be earned by excellence and everyone benefits rather than just proprietor.

HAH! I have this exact plant in this exact state except a fraction of the size. Glad it's not just me!

Thanks, that didn't even occur to me. I've taken your advice. Fingers crossed :)

Waxy skin helps protect them from the sun. Aloes like a decent amount of sun, but can cope in lots of light conditions. Grow lights seem excessive a sunny window will do. Your best option is neglect. Do not attempt to "nurture" aloe, they throw it back in your face. Ignore it and water when the (hopefully gritty) soil has been dry a few days.

Darlin' by Frankie Miller I think. He did 'abracadabra'. It's an oldie but I found it about two weeks ago and adhd has been looping it since. It's got a real dive bar vibe to it. So if you're a bit of a romantic stick it on and have a slow dance.

Looks fine to me, the yellow is just the stem trying to harden off. Stick it in some gritty soil and leave it on a sunny window sill for about a month before water. You could maybe pull off the bottom leaf to give it a little stem to bury cos you really don't want the leaves below the topsoil or it will rot again. Don't worry too much, they are super resilient and you'll be dishing out it's pups to your friends in no time. Edit: was suggesting 2 leaves but 1 should do it. Also it's nice and fat so stick that leaf cut side down into a cup let all the yellow latex drain and in an hour or so you got yourself some aloe gold in that big leaf.

Pinch both stems off at the bend, remove leaves from bottom of these bits then put all 3 in a pot, you'll have roots within a week or two. Any leaves you removed can be laid on top of soil in said pot and babies will probably be sprouting more or less same amount of time. I should add not to water until then.

You could lightly mist it just to prevent it hardening. But as the plant has no roots water has no where to go. Don't worry too much. My 1st aloe came to me after being left out pot on back step for couple weeks. My house is now filled with all of that little plants offspring. So be brave and I don't doubt that by this time next year you'll have loads.

WOW that's a specimen! I read somewhere they can grow 1 1/2 feet per year in optimal conditions. I'll be chuffed if I can keep it alive to get that big.