Plenty of people will not turn out for Biden after what they saw. We cannot be blinded simply because that performance won't affect OUR vote when Trump is on the other side. If we hate that we have to vote for Biden in his current state, it's going to have a real impact for other people.

Manufactured... I saw it with my own eyes lol And so did many people. Just because I'll vote for Biden doesn't mean there aren't plenty of people that won't because of what they saw in the debate.

Edit: say = saw

Man, I struggle with this and I don't even stream lol

A voice of reason among all of this misplaced optimism...

ESPECIALLY when you have someone giving a 1/10 delivery... Impossible to ignore.

Just had Original Sub Shop and Deli for the first time in downtown today. Highly recommend. 5th Street Pub in Perrysburg has wood fired pizzas, they are pretty decent.


I've started looking at the kill cam. Hard not to spam skip in frustration, but it gives you a lot of information. A literal different perspective.


Always wondered if they stacked. Assumed they didn't.

I don't use TikTok, I disagree with the decision. It's naive to say that people that disagree are ride or die tiktokers.

Agree, this is how CHINA reacts to this stuff. We need global regulations and laws, not company bans. I'm usually a fan of Jeff but I don't agree with his TikTok decision.

Yes, definitely paid off!

Perrysburg one was good, they replaced my tires a few months ago. Can't speak for the one on Central.

I think this is a good suggestion but it's getting downvoted because of the way it was framed. You shouldn't HAVE to be that proactive about it, but for those that are, it's a good idea.

I did this after putting in a can of chipotle in adobo (oops). Turned out very spicy, but not demon level spice. 

I think this encapsulates some of the frustrations with AJ Dillon that we've seen in this sub. After receiving the ball AJ cuts right into the DE that lost containment on the outside.

Pic 1: DE clearly chooses his hole right off the snap
Pic 2: AJ has not made his decision yet
Pic 3: AJ makes the wrong choice (notice the lean/momentum), loses 2-3yds

Clear as day when watching in real time. Happens around 6:00 in the 3rd quarter. Hopefully they continue working on some of these issues with him. I don't mean to stack hate, just something I noticed while watching the replay of Sunday's game.

Shouldn't the ref just add stoppage time? I've never understood why players do this when stoppage should account for the lost time.

Watching Local on the 8s to see if it's going to rain... :07 comes around and a frantic search for the remote begins.

Thanks for posting this! I thought it could have been an earthquake but forgot to look it up. Felt it over by Sidecut. 2 cats and a dog were very concerned.

I forget what ServiceNow is like before SN Utils. Thanks for everything you do!