BioWare can't decide if Renegade means "get the job done at any cost" or "complete lunatic terrorist psychopath racist".

Halo isnt dead you dumbfucks

Idk man fucking die ig

:yesman: Yes Man

Also lore wise Jet was invented by Myron around FO1 or 2, at least 40 years after FO76.

Tbf the story couldnt go anywhere bc Microsoft fired the entire narrative team when it launched, and the audio lead shortly afterward, which prevented any new weapons or music.

Tbf the story couldnt go anywhere bc Microsoft fired the entire narrative team when it launched, and the audio lead shortly afterward.

I hope this artist is ok tho, real talk

:yesman: Yes Man

Ok but he also didn't nuke a city and turn his wife into a ghoul bc she left him.

I used to play a lot of TOR, but stopped after the flashpoint on the mando fleet after Onslaught. Did it get good again since then?

It's honestly my favorite out of the ME series.

Same, outside of that it's my favorite one

ME3 is my favorite. ME2's main story was kinda lackluster.


That's just a directional arrow tbf

American here- there needs to be a limit to how old you can be to be president. If there's a minimum age, there should be a max age.

Reminder that Trump is the one who made the deal to abandon Afghanistan, Biden just had to follow through on it.

Halo isnt dead you dumbfucks

Dr disrespecting age of consent laws

Look if they don't have Ada-1 or Elsie as options imma have words

Tbf nuking every successful civilization to push their "Vaults are the one and best hope for humanity! :)" narrative is definitely something Vault-Tec would do.