It's pretty easy to say you wanna make things right when the people you gotta make it right to, are dead. 

Oh my god! I'm red green and didn't know this... fc mates were all like, it's not that bad...

He knows he was in the wrong and is trying to gaslight you into thinking breaking your trust and exposing you to something you have a medical condition to is OK.

God damn, she really put him through the wringer, she's so self centered it's like a black hole I can feel from here.

Well, I can say with confidence that this is not the type of Dad op wished he had.

What a sad, cowardly, sack of shit father.

Even if you don't hurt yourself and it breaks with no one around, you are in for a really nasty flood. There is no good outcome from a cracked toilet

She may have been honest, but her cousin and her flong definitely had the goal of getting T laid.

Isn't most fantasy inspired by Tolkien, or inspired by something that was inspired by it.

Didn't you know, being a terrible being is a prerequisite for being a republican nowadays.  And the worse you are, the better you are.

That is such a fucked up thing to do. Way to end your marriage and screw your kid up...

170, but gonna get that extended to 180 at next full service.

He took a very log time to say very little. I liked him better 5 years ago. Now I struggle to watch him.

The city will be pissed, the treatment plant may need an overhaul.

they are asking you to put it on the threads, the male ones.