I'd gotten into the whole anti soy, makes you less manly, etc, stuff on social media. Not that I was actively searching for it, just while scrolling. And of course, the more you watch, the more you get recommended that sort of content. Fortunately it didn't get me to stop eating tofu, because I thought, "hey, the science says it's ok. The people making this content are just being douches, trying to get a reaction". But it still got to me ever so slightly. Like I would feel slightly self conscious, picking up tofu, or mock meats, or anything from the plant based section. Even made a post on this ages ago.

It took some interactions with omnivorous dieters, out of everyone, to make me realise how much better things are irl. Like, someone telling me how much they like tofu. Or someone casually mentioning they drink soy milk. Just a few small interactions/observations like that.

Most surprisingly, some of the experiences were again online through social media, which caused the issue to begin. Not direct interactions, but as an example, seeing a video of some Asian fitness influencer making beef and tofu. Not one fuck given about whether he was a soy boy. Just enjoying his food. (Except the part where the cow died, but point is he wasn't worrying about a bit of soy).

Overall, just a pleasant observation I had, and wanted to share.