They had an unhappy childhood under age 4, and don’t have any healthy habits.

They can’t enjoy normal life, too many emotions fire and it’s uncomfortable for them

You have to accept that it will not change and that it will always happen and that you can relax and enjoy it

My 8 year old could do it. Yes he’s better than average but still

It’s a predatory industry. People aren’t making well informed decisions to do it, they are not able to comprehend the decision and are encouraged into it by the most evil people in the world

I remember in the debates he told her he would win and she would be in jail and basically just kept repeating it louder over whatever she was trying to say.

We all know he lies. What we really want is Biden to use a clip of him denying saying it to confuse his supporters.

This is gold for the Biden campaign if they use it correctly.

Remember thinking Trump was going to lock Hillary up? He didn’t do it, now he says he never said he would. If you ever chanted lock her up then Trump lied directly to YOU

I rode a scooter, one day the exhaust rattled loose and it was super loud. Have to admit it felt kinda cool


Anyone can figure this out really. 97104 - everyone knows 70000 is divisible by 7 so subtract that leaving 27104, then pick another one you know like 3 7’s are 21, so subtract 21000 leaving 6104. Then 8 7’s are 56 so subtract 5600 leaving 504, then 7 7s 49 so subtract 490, leaving 14, which we know is 2 7s, so it’s divisible. I don’t know if 10,000 + 3,000 + 800 + 70 + 2 is the answer though? 13872.

It’s simple to use a variation of this process to do long division in your head even to work out decimal places etc

You learn by experience so go on lots of different dates and see what you like

Dating someone consciously and analytically is next to impossible, humans are very complex and understanding them is a lot more than a phd.

Trying to think through it and avoid getting uncomfortable feelings is also difficult.

You have little real world experience, give it time and try different things to learn about yourself and others

I had a crush on a girl all through school, most guys liked her, but I was very unwanted by all girls at school. Looked her up years later on Facebook she was more excited about me as recently divorced and I changed a lot since school (lots of girls said that at reunions actually). We turned out to have very different views on things like vaccination so I just basically lost interest.

Then I met a backpacker half my age who was a 10/10 model and dancer and dated her for a month and forgot about any other girl I ever liked. She completely reset and validated me to myself.

Now dating somehow perfect girl that isn’t conventionally anything but I like her a lot

It’s like how painkillers stop you feeling what your body is experiencing, caffeine stops your body recognising when it’s tired. You don’t get away with it forever you are just borrowing tomorrows energy. Even if you take caffeine every day you just end up a day in debt and no better off

If you are attracting ‘competitors’ to your partner they might not enjoy the extra emotional burden

Sure, but enough about me, how is being talkative working out for you. have you ever accidentally said too much?

Trial itself fair, but the fact it went to trial took a lot. His criminal acts were well hidden so weren’t overtly bothering anyone. If you look into any Republican closely enough you can prosecute them for a bunch of things, including other things Trump has got away with. The naked truth is there are millions of unreported and uninvestigated crimes every day all over America. America thrives by keeping the focus on black men and locking them up. This change to look at orange men is really unfair

Nah it’s dumb. Let’s say you play twice for $5 and win $10 once. You broke even financially BUT you lost time and effort for zero gain

Why can’t people sue him for protection, like take some of his ss detail off him if his words cause them danger?

Need to ask Trump supporters this: When Trump was president should he have changed the law so that people running for election are allowed to commit tax fraud and create fake news

Figure out your actual feelings here. If you are genuinely envious then if something bad happens to someone that does it then you will be pleased and feel kind of weird happiness inside. It definitely doesn’t sound like jealousy, it sounds like fear of missing out. You are naming your emotions wrong which will make it harder to understand life.

Water is best. Anything else you drink is just an easy way to overconsume extra calories, especially alcohol. The only way people keep their weight down with alcohol is to treat it as a meal and have it instead of food or eat less

He will leak them once he’s president again and claim he’s immune because it’s an official act.

Or he’ll leak them in the run up to show he’s not scared just when there’s enough time to swing the vote to him and not enough time for the judge to do anything about it

Which is it? Minor charges that don’t really matter anyway, or the worst most unfair thing that could ever happen to the greatest guy in the world.

Why the fuck isn’t Trump a normal person who just says to his supporters ‘I’m not bothered by these minor charges it’s just lawyer’s doing things they can but they don’t really matter it’s done now and I’ll fix my bookkeeping next time it’s a simple mistake’ - that would impress everyone. Instead he’s a fuckknuckle who likes to stir up shit

To put it simply, humans starve because other people guard their food. Humans are naturally nomadic or territorial depending on when food is in abundance.

We don’t want starving humans attacking us and eating our crops so most of civilisation is in territorial mode with fences and immigration laws to prevent nomads wandering the earth like humans have for millennia.

Now we have captured the arable land and are guarding it and telling the other people in other countries it’s ours too bad.

It’s not actually ethical to do this but it’s been this way in western culture for hundreds of years now since the invention of agriculture

I can’t tell size based on this it doesn’t look that big. The ebook is not much bigger than an iPhone right?