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Warmogs build and champsHelp

I want to be cool and abuse warmogs too - but i mostly play enchanters so I don’t know build path/abusers. which champs are using it well? all tanks or just a select few? do you rush it? what do you build next - is there a set build or is it back to situational after you rush the warmogs?

edit: worded this poorly - I play enchanters, so I don’t know which tanks to use warmogs with or what to build. Not looking for enchanter warmogs builds lol

How to play RellGuide

i need every tip possible to play and be able to carry and climb with her.

i’ve been playing naut for the last month and went from silver 4 to silver 1. i think my biggest problem is my macro so i just generally want to improve my game sense and understand the game better. because i really don’t know what it is im doing wrong.

How to keep the supp happy?Discussion

Never inted as an adc main, I get a lot of mentally unstable supports. Who will rage out of lane roam and feed.

How can I minimize that? Do I praise the supp from the start? Can I get a paid supp?

I'm trying to get a good climbing situation for all. In my games supps are usually the ones who feed, not as in a bad game but as in give up very early and try to grief. Maybe its me im saying some supp slur or something. How can I avoid the supp rage.


How are you supposed to use hexflash?Help

Hi everyone!

I've been playing some Rell recently and I've been really enjoying her! But I have completely no clue how you're supposed to use hexflash, it's always in her recommended runes so I figure it must be good, I just have no idea in what situations you would use it. It always feels like it takes way too long to charge and goes too short, I can't imagine any situations that I would be able to get value out of it this is my so if you have any suggestions/things I'm not doing well please lmk! I'm having a ton of fun playing/improving at this game

How good it feels to play with each support as an ADC playerDiscussion


Also some champions are lower due to players picking them in bad matchups which leads to worse experience playing with them (such as Pyke, Alistar etc)

In what rank do people start to utilize engage supports correctlyDiscussion

I am an iron4 rell otp but people here force fights randomly which I can't help enough costing us to lose the game. Seriously when does people start to take advantage of engage supports by waiting for them to engage first for example? Or don't engage on a fed enemy when support isn't there?

Hard stuck silver for years. Looking for a coaching sessionHelp

Hello, I am hard stuck silver and I am looking for a coach to finally push out of silver. I main support but I have a higher win rate with my secondary role as ADC. (I Think) I understand macro way better than other people in my elo. I try to roam when possible after every back, I go for deep wards, I feel like I watch the map well, and I always try to rotate to objectives if I feel like we can contest it. There is obviously something glaringly wrong with my gameplay because I just can’t seem to climb out of silver. I have played league off and on for 10 years. Please help me. Maybe I am wrong in saying this, but I don’t want in depth knowledge about the wave state. I want someone to identify the obviously glaring issue that I have and am unaware of. Please tell me why I suck ass. I will pay for this session please let me know your rate.

Free Coaching to any supports up to Masters!!Help

Hey guys! Master support here (peak GM)

I´m back after a week out, I´m coaching for free any supports either live game or a VOD if you prefer. I´ve been helping some friends and some people these weeks on stream.

My goal is to get good at coaching and help people in the process!


Tips How to play Tank vs MagesHelp

I like playing tanks suporte (TK, Rell, Nautilus, etc). But when i'm against a Mage Sup (Peel/Poke) it's really hard to Win the Lane.

Can you guys give me some tips on How to play and Win in this situation?

Why are people taking TP as support all of a sudden?Discussion

Did I miss something? I wasn't going to say anything until other people in my games mentioned it being new meta. I just saw a video about Lux adc and now I'm seeing it a lot but I can't find any new stuff online about tp being good on support.

Is there a support who is basically rell with a nice disengage and speed to not die in teamfights?Help

I am tired of fights thats lost despite me chain ccing the team and dying at the middle. Is there a champ that can escape fights easily with its disengage and speed while chain ccing multiple people like rell? I think its rakan but what else?

AP supportsDiscussion

I play a bunch of enchanters, engagers and tanks, but I'd like to expand my AP picks. The only ones I was able to enjoy so far are Lux and Brand. I despise Zyra and Xerath, both playing as them and playing against them. I was thinking about trying out Zoe and LeBlanc, but am not sure if they are worth learning on support role. Twitch is also fun, but he falls off pretty quickly.

Any suggestion on who I should try? I'd like to hear your thoughts about which AP supports are viable picks right now and which are worth checking out.

Champs for aggressive playstyleHelp

Hey everyone,

i recently returned to supporting when i'm duoing with my mate. He usually always plays Twitch. As a support i am incredibly aggressive, usually try to force fights level 2/3 and tend to overextend with mage supports. Braum has been working really nicely though. So my question is which supports fit my playstyle best? I know Leona is an obvious one but she's banned relatively often in low elo, so i don't wanna depend on her. Could just stay on Braum but i'd like to hear what else is out there. Would be perfect if the champ can also duel a fair number of other support champs.

is it me or is sivir the absolute worst champ to play withDiscussion

yeah maybe it's good if you're in LEC, but when they just lock in mf, and you need to farm 25 minutes to be relevant ????? i just go to sleep

Educational Support Series - Not JUST Gameplay. Seriously in-depth guide with tons of examples! How to "Protect Your Minions & Punish The ADC"Guide

I've renamed one of my most taught concepts to "Protect The Minions & Punish The ADC's" because this is genuinely one of the most broken skills to have as a Soraka player, but even as any support in general. Once you understand it, it's bound to become your mantra even :)

Hope this helps out everyone! let me know if you're keen on the style of the videos being lots of different examples and explanations of scenarios.

Twitch Main here, what do I do when?Discussion

When my support locks in a mage. Twitch, unless going AP. Has literally no poke. And mage supports tend to get pretty upset when I'm not constantly poking with them despite my champ not having any. I'd hover the enemy in stealth and ambush when they get low but since my mage is usually not as close to the enemy as I would be, they usually hop on me and kill me.

I'm literally just a Twitch one trick, I've attempted playing other ADCs when my supports lock in a mage because I'm pretty open to trying to synergize and working with my support but I'm just not very good at other champs. I can somewhat perform on Xayah but not very reliably

Is there a way to see how much healing I've done in past games?Discussion

I'm trying to find my ideal build as Nami according to my playstyle. Is there a way to see how much healing I've done in past games? I see there is a "Healing done" field in the stats, but I'm pretty sure it's healing done to myself, not others.
