The Wiki on this reddit does have a lot of info on this (macro, lanning, roaming, etc):

I´m also going to do a shameless plug and tell you I just recently started coaching supports for free on stream, if you want to check me out :)
You can just join my stream whenever you see me live and ask for coaching of a VOD you have. I´m Masters in EUW on two accounts at the moment: twitch/donyode


Like the other comment mentioned:

You can see it in the graph below the soloq chart (there is none for challenger, but it should be even worse). It´s been trending to more and more difference between sides, if you ignore the spikes (which look like data errors anyway)


Yeah seems to be the norm if the average is 6%


Both! I think I've hit Masters for like 7 or so seasons in a row and GM one of them

Just wanted to say you are not alone! When Bard came out he was so off meta people would dodge my games (even if I was Masters 65+% winrate) because in their heads my pick was useless, this put so much extra pressure in my head to perform.

With Blitz it´s similar, since it´s very punishing to miss hooks some people get negative from the moment they see the pick. My recommendation:
1) If they start flaming from champ select, insta mute.
2) If you get nervous or have an off day, try to hook less and scare more (if your hook is on cd you open possibilities for them to punish you)
3) Remember that 1 good hook can win you the game later on, try not to tilt and play your game
4) Have fun, thats why you are playing a champion you like anyway



I swear there are normal Bard players out there! I mean... I´m not one of them, but there are


Yeah I also play bot, and it does seem that blue is not as good as it was before. Not sure if it´s more gankable than red though, but at least it doesn´t have the advantage it used to


The amount of people I see that don´t do this is insane.. those lane wards are amazing. I do support coachings on my stream, 99.9% of them I have to talk about lane wards


I know I´m a bit late, but I´m Masters and I just checked, I´m exactly 6% extra winrate in red side .-. Could the recent changes to the map also have had an impact on this? It doesn´t feel like blue side advantage is as noticeable as before


Yeah, 100% this as well. Don´t check out of the game just because you are losing lane


Yup! Very true, people give up way too fast and snowball losing advantages for no reason


You must be getting very lucky!! I always have 5 trolls on my team

Maybe I´m wrong but I took this rule as don´t create post that just promote your content, such as "hey guys I stream support follow me here", but clips of streams get posted constantly during the week.

I do think it´s fair critism, specially since I mentioned coaching in the video, so I´ll probably delete the post. It was meant more as a "hey, I´m not advertising a paying coaching plan" but I think it reads way more as promoting content.

And thanks for finding the content cool :)

What is the best tip you have ever gotten for League?

Like the title says! What is the best tip another player/friend or a coach has ever given you that has made you either play better, climb ranked or just generally enjoy the game more

I think we tend to focus too much on the negatives of playing LoL, but I know we all have great positivity to share as well

A classic for sure :) I also do that sometimes even now after years of playing, it´s just our potato brain that likes inting

Yeah shorts only work with clickbaity titles xD I´ll try to remember to change it if I ever post again for Reddit!
But honestly I´ve been coaching so much and most people below Emerald are never roaming this early, he did great


That´s actually fair, I wanted to show I wasn´t getting paid for the coaching so people didn´t think I was advertising a product. I´ll remove it


I´m literally just starting out doing free coaching.. How am I going to even show myself if I don´t post these clips?
It´s also a good league clip showing supports how to have more impact on their games

edit: I get people can hate on it, but big streamers get clips constantly plugged by their audience, if you are just starting out I don´t think it´s cringe trying to have people see you more

Just by being there it makes Nocturne turn and run instantly. Many things could have happened differently, for example there is a chance Noct and Naafiri focus Trist and get a return kill or more likely they still lose but Noct lives.

Also it´s more like a great learning example, if you are a support that makes a habit of having good roams, more often than not you are going to have a good impact on the map. Maybe this time the difference is not as big, but another game might instantly win you mid

Hey! I was checking back my posts and remember this comment haha I just uploaded one of the first coachings if you would like to have a look :)

It´s a bit rough on the editting since I didn´t have the best set up to do it though xD I have some newers ones already done that will be better

Hi guys!

I´m a Master player trying to learn to coach supports! I do it for free on Stream (on Twitch) to anyone that wants to join, and I´ll start posting the ones I think can help the most on youtube.

It´s my first video so please don´t be too mean haha I do accept constructive critisim of course so feel free to drop a comment here or in the video. Hope to see you around!