Both are true but the player base being older and better is literally 100% true, Riot has talked about it many times, and it was one of the reasons for Emerald rank

Which, I won’t lie, is hurting the democrats by repeating project 2025 over and over. I know liberals who are not even worried about project 2025 even if in the event trump is elected bc we have heard this shit around the block for a long time. Our checks and balances won’t allow it, nor do I honestly think most republicans or even trump wants an actual project 2025.

So many just think project 2025 is political theatre “name calling.” It’s the same as when republicans went hard on the green new deal and hard over exasperated it

Wait TL and FLY are doing this good and they aren’t even the 1st place team? We’ll time will tell with TL v C9, but C9 is better than FLY for sure.

Are we getting injected with copium only a few months before worlds???? Oh no not again 🙈

Britney Haynes

All I remember from the feeds is Paul being in the American flag boxers 24/7 walking by Cody saying stupid shit about the military/this country just to antagonize him because he was in the military. Don’t know why Paul hates the military so much, but u don’t take that off on an individual solider who is not part of anything that you actually hate the military about.

After week 3 Paul didn’t need to do any work, everhone was wrapped around his finger, he just became a terrible human being and I sincerely don’t remember a day turning into feeds where he wasn’t actively trying to antagonize Cody or saying fucked up shit.

Women love putting down other women anymore in todays day and age.

??… South Park is quite literally a masterpiece

The only normal person has to be Oliver, actually perfect for this show lol.

Britney Haynes

Yup you’re right, it wasn’t. The entire house attacking Cody/Ness makes me sick to this day idc how they are as people they aren’t anywhere near as bad as people to deserve. And the constant spreading lies that Cody wasn’t in the military was the fucking worst. Paul saying he covers up his dog tags cause they are fake, constantly walking around with only the American flag boxers on and intentionally being disrespectful saying shit just to antagonize Cody. Dude was on multiple tours risking his life. I’m not even a military man, imigrant family so none were in the military(aka I don’t shill for military but Paul’s vendetta simply cause Cody was in the military was weirdly gross).

Icing on the cake was Paul strategizing how to antagonize Cody enough so that he would punch somebody. Paul should’ve been taken out of the game for that

Britney Haynes

Eh, hate Paul think he is a trashy person, but the twists ruined it more. He would’ve been out week 1 w/o it—people shit on Cody for how impulsive he was but if Paul ends up on that block he is easily rallying troops week 1 to get rid of such a massive threat who hadn’t gotten his grip on the whole house yet. Friendship bracelets were also bad. One of the few seasons that actually felt rigged, Paul was given the world, and still fucking lost cause he is a clown

Ok maybe but I gotta be honest, we have seen multiple games of TL vs FNc. TL is clearly better—bot is extremely gapped

U/j all of that is fucking stupid ngl and just dumbing people down. Redditors need to learn how to read/understand tone and context clues to figure out if someone is being sarcastic or fuckign around. Y’all just adding to the illiteracy issue happening with children today

Oh yeah bc south Philly is the same as Kensington. Yea Penn kids r actually gated community dweebs imagine thinking south Philly is as dangerous as the worst parts of Kensington.

Wtf is /uj, saw it twice in this thread now ngl it’s giving cringe like just say what u wanna say what is this slash + random letter faceroll keyboard trend

If it makes you feel better I feel like there no “stuck at D1,” it then is like “okay you’re really good, but you got time for 10 games a day to get in masters, stay, and rank up?” It just becomes gatekept by if u want league to be a part time job or not. D1 was my peak during covid I havnt been able to return since :(

In my awakening run the avatar and the lord were both men, so I think I would’ve noticed and stanned. I don’t think I ever beat awakening tho so that could be it, I stopped at the chapter that was a big circular room—the level design was just pissing me off it was an annoying bore. I think the chapter was in the early 20s tho…

I know supports haha, I guess I just never advanced them enough to the point of marriage or children cause that’s never happened for me.

From a designer/developer stand point it makes sense. Alear’s age is somewhat unknown? Vander is clearly older/a guardian type figure so that could def come off as grooming or other such feelings if you could romance Vander

I’m ngl idk where y’all find this stuff in the FE games. I’ve been playing each new release since FE7 and I don’t think I ever married or had children in a fire emblem game but apparently that is a common thing? I must not pay enough attention to my supports idk if I ever get S support lol. Radiant Dawn is really the only time I payed attention to supports, the pairing made it simple and easy to understand/get use out of gameplay/stat wise.

Fellow emerald brother, im sorry you too have to play in this elo but nice fucking winrate. I’ve been playing too long to otp, I’ve never been an otp, I selfishly do put my own fun/enjoyment over the betterment of my team sometimes with my picks haha but Morgana can be a bore I can’t play her 24/7.

LP gains in this rank are fucking abhorrid tho. Basically a 70% wr going +-20lp is crazy u should be afforded atleast a +23-25/-15 to -18.

Ooooh shit pog! Congrats on masters. I’d like to play my Morgana into good Nauts/Rakans/Leona to see if it still stands up as a counter or if better players know how to spread cc/bait out Morg black shield and play on its long ass timer.

Yea one fault of the new ranked changes is that it can be very swingy, it’s super easy to derank. I personally hate that being at 10-20 lp can mean a derank, I think they should add the cushion back where u drop the 0 lp and then have to lose another to derank—this would help with tilt queueing too.

Just gotta go on a mental reset, play like you’re still in plat with your main role and champs. You’ll get back up quickly.


Yea I agree it’s holding me back a bit, I’d definitely lose less if I refined it and took less riskier plays or didn’t force as much but it’s a double edged sword. It’s also the strat that got me to rank up from being stuck in gold/play seasons ago. It’s just my playstyle now after so many seasons, I took a break from league for a bit, now I’m back running it again. I’m not still taking off the rust, no excuse there, but I’m well past my peak so I’m trying to find my way back.

Oh damn that was quick, and unlucky. I watched him a lot when he was active pro player, thought he was still streaming league months ago but guess he needed a break. That’s unfortunate tho sadly there aren’t a lot of good support twitch streamers, or some of them are just annoying(ioki)


Her Janna and Nami are probably my most played supports lifetime since S3, Morg the most past 2 years so lots of time + I almost never blind her. Morg only has 2 1/2 abilities but they are very very good into certain champs and completely negate them like Nautilus—I never lose to that disgraceful champion.

I also think I just found the tech with her this split. Glacial Augment —> Magical Footwear, Elixer Tonic, Jack of trades + Resolve: Conditioning and Overgrowth. Build Rod+Lucidity Boots+Locket+Redemption. Depending on the game, take extra points in E you can afford it with Rod and Elixer bonuses. Some matchups need 2nd point in E fast. Edit: I sometimes like doing 3 points in Q, an extra point in W and E cause the extra dmg from W can be handy. Your extra level ups/points in skills allow this and also the extra .25s cc on binding can be delayed more often than you’d think. Maxing Q is most common but doing 3 Q and fully max E or 3 Q 3 E before maxing Q can be really really crucial depending on matchups/cc/ap relevance.

  • Play like a frontliner, just threaten enemy frontliner and tank their cc/engage with Alt+E on the back burner. Morg has to be played like a frontliner perma, for seasons now, bc she has only 2 1/2 abilities so your body has to be an ability + binding is easier to hit shorter range and being in R range is good for engages/scenarios/setups

Tried not making this a long ramble but it still was, hope those tips help any aspiring Morg players tho


I touched on it a bit in the write up but it’s just been my playstyle for years, I’m hype aggressive, roam a lot, gank and force fights. I think ppl are a bit too afraid to die/fight in NA or maybe it’s the west, deaths are not as damaging in league vs other games esp in support. Obviously I’m no LPL player, it’s not refined, and I have many deaths that could be avoided.

In my games tho I have pretty high KP, often the most on the team or in the game. I consistently get above 60% KP and early game(pre 15 mins) I’m often 80+% kp. So I do die a lot, but I’m also getting things out of it for my team. Like I said tho I’m not crazy good my mechanics are lacking I’m a league grandpa now I guess lol, it’s weird talking about these things without coming off in like a bragging or I’m good/I know best way.