He always got extremely pissed when my brother and I as kids questioned why we couldn't have "x" or "y" and screamed constantly with everyone at my house, while at the same time he criticized others that didn't have the same level study as him (he was the first of his family to get a college degree) or earned less money than him (but what is the point of earning more than most if you have most of your salary wasted in endless debts?).

All of my life I saw him being arrogant with people that didn't go to college or didn't have a job as important as his, always saying that studying more and having more money makes you a person that deserves more than others. I probably heard a million times how an "public authority" as he was couldn't have a cheap car and things like that (even when he barely had money to pay rent in a bad neighborhood and the car he "had" was actually from his sister).

Eventually he recovered financially, but at this stage my brother and I were already teenagers. He still insists that he did everything right and that I'm wasting my life for considering get a master's degree after already getting my bachelor's degree and I should instead focus 100% of my time and energy on getting a job with great pay.

Conclusion: what the hell? Him coming from a poor background should have been a warning about trying to play safe with money, yet he spent beyond his means with expensive cars and a house that he couldn't afford because "he deserved" and for "being a public authority", got severely into debt for many years and nowadays he still insists that he did everything right and that everyone else is to blame (including his two infant children).