I’m typically the type to be like, yea I don’t know and my opinion could be wrong, but I’m fairly certain here. We know the dog is territorial enough to attack other dogs, so it does not track that she’d be cool with strange people, lights and sounds in her yard. That’s how GSDs behave, they sound the alarm for their pack and bark to warn the “intruders” that they are on guard.

I’d be surprised if she didn’t go wake her humans up over this, or scratched on their room to alert them if the door was closed.

Yep. Unpopular opinion, but it’s very annoying when someone cloaks fatness with “health concerns”. Fat people know. OP’s friend knows she’s hashing mobility issues and it’s no one’s place to say anything.

I worry as well. People don’t know what it’s like to around screaming. I hope she breaks her cycles.

They do medical testing. I think production knew, it makes more sense than Dorinda finding out and telling them.

She may have been like that at 30 - you don’t know. Age shaming isn’t okay.

Oh no, not dancing in the club! What a nasty ho with no feelings 🙄

No one ever gives Nene and her family grace. They had to watch Gregg’s losing battle with cancer. Not that it excuses bad behavior, but man they had a lot going on and you don’t just stop grieving.

Lately it’s either one of those or someone pretending they didn’t price their house too high.

And I have little doubt that he’ll grab a scoop of hers if it looks good, eat her snacks and probably start expecting her to prepare his separate meals too.

He’s going to learn the hard way. She’s about at the point when her mask usually drops. Maybe she’ll be able to keep it up longer since she won’t be drinking.

The amnesia! We’ve watched her have the exact same relationship with several different guys the entire time SH has been on the air. Every time she says it’s so great, and it never is. I’m hoping it’s different this time but we know she didn’t put in the time to change herself so I don’t see why anyone thinks she’ll get different results.

And you think age shaming her is any better? Say what you will about her behavior but there’s no reason to bring age into it.

That’s what I’m not getting. Obviously don’t out a pregnancy, but all the news we had before was that Dorinda thought if Candiace wasn’t cast due to pregnancy, another pregnant person shouldn’t be either. She didn’t get wasted and tweet an announcement.

Right. If the rule of the show is no pregnancies because of potential liability then that’s the rule. It’s not at all like Serena, who is a professional athlete many years into her career and is in top shape. Lindsay works out, but doesn’t have experience in these physical challenges.

Yes she did. She dumped her kid with their mom too. Jenelle being a monster doesn’t make her sister good.

Please no. The women on new NY are mature, we don’t need Lindsay getting wasted and screaming at Jenna Lyons.

I swear we talk about this all the time here! I wish they’d listen to what so many of us want to see.

And each design is different. Many of them do the same basic design every time and it gets old. Even if I don’t love everything the bargain block guys do, at least it’s visually interesting.

Who else will let him post bad pictures and talk shit to her constantly? John could never be with a woman that loves herself.