Hullo all interested folks, I'm Rob, an African American artist and Gardening enthusiasts =). I'm really looking for some new, healthy connections in poly, I honestly never had a real chance to explore the lifestyle with my ex who was very controlling of what I wanted to do but wanted free range to do what she wanted.

About me: I bought and own my home, all cash, all mine (a historic feat in this day and age) and I can definitely vouch for being the "homeeist" of home bodies as my crib is the bees knees. I have several pets, including cats, fish, and a Turtle (red earned slider for those interested lol)

While I have a day job as a laborer to pay the bills, my passion is art, illustrations to be precise. I LOVE to draw and being able to capture the real world on paper is the greatest flex I know. I would love to share my art with you or even do a drawing of you if you are interested. I can talk your head off on color theory and why I like this brand of ink vs. another.

I have an 18 year old son who lives with me, he is my favorite person and I enjoy just building a life with him, teaching him how to be the best man he can be, through kindness, patience, and consideration. We both are geeky and gamers, so we are down for some game time or ever some TTRPG.

I also have a new passion for gardening (new home came with a BIG ass back yard and I have a LOT of idea I wanna do) and cooking (a BIG ass kitchen to boot). So I will definitely just make a plate for yall or have left overs. I wanna do urban homesteading, get some chickens, collect rain water, solar panels, the whole 9.

As far as you guys are concerned: ladies I ADORE BBWs/plus size women. Yall are Goddesses to me and I live to worship lol. For the men I am straight but want to try more shared experiences, I am shy about being in front of other men, but time and trust can mellow that out. I WOULD like to be genuine homies though, not just come over to service the wife and never interact with you. Being a 3rd sounds interesting but I'm cautious of becoming a hinge for couples issues.

I go into this with light and love, as I need friends more than sex buddies or moving in together. I do want to actually meet people and do lunch, go to the movies, eat at the Park with a picnic. For too long I've tried online only/long distance and at my age it just doesn't cut it. I want hugs and cuddles God dammit 🥺.

So hey, drop a line, or don't, I love you all the same 🥰