Before I start i’m totally open to the possibility of being told maybe i’m just feeling insecure about my music. However, i truly feel like this isn’t the case. I started making music for fun about like two months ago. Two of my friends and I have wanted to make an mixtape for fun for a while now and we’re really just having fun with it.

Now we’ve all talked about how every time we tell people we’re making a mixtape(rap) we’re faced with this passive aggressive hate. We also talked about how it’s lowkey 90% of the people we tell. We hear stuff like “what you think you’re gonna be the next drake” or “you think you could actually make it” again imagine all this stuff in passive aggressive tone. When we tell people it’s all for fun we’re faced with less attitude but still it’s really weird. Seeing some of my best friends hating on me for doing something i’m having fun with is really weird and i’m on here to see if anyone else experiences this or if i’m just insecure and don’t realize it.