I posted a few months ago on here discussing a guy I had been seeing for a little and how shit had gotten complicated. Long story short we're dating now but there's a kinda big issue..

My boyfriend still identifies as straight and doesnt want to explore his sexuality any further other than us I suppose. I should probably mention im FTM which makes this seem worse than it is but I know for 100% certainty he sees me as a man.

When we had the conversation that made us official he described his sexuality as, as long as there's a strong emotional connection gender no longer matters to him which is sweet and all but he just seems desperate to cling to the heterosexual label. He knows he isn't fully straight but says that "no one's straight straight".

I'm the first dude he's had feelings for I really don't want to force him to find a label but it gives a sense of security to me. He's also iffy about saying we're a gay couple and says "we don't need to label stuff" and to just "live in the moment".

My friends think I deserve better but I dont know. Any advice would be great to be honest..