Hi I haven’t bathed in over a week, about 11 days. I know, im disgusting. I’ve been struggling with the loss of my daughter (6 months ago) and I’m in a severe depressive episode of bipolar. My personal hygiene has gone very down hill since this event. I haven’t shaved anywhere in over 6 months. I don’t leave the house, my psychiatrist comes to the house and everything I buy gets delivered. Haven’t brushed my teeth in 2 weeks. Hair also smells horrible. I am aware Im going to be judged I just need advice. I don’t care about myself anymore, I don’t want to live, the only reason I am living is for my teenage daughter. Personal hygiene is the least of my concern because I just don’t care about myself.

I already have bad BO even when showering and have to use 36 hour deodorant.

So I know I’m gross and it’s supper embarrassing to admit this. I have had the same underwear on for a week. I smell VERY badly under my armpits from sweating as it’s so hot. It’s so bad my bed sheets smell of it which I’ve now changed. Vaginally I smell too because I’ve gone so long without washing or changing my underwear. It smells mainly of urine but it does go fishy after a long time. Sometimes if I start my period during the night I will bleed in my underwear then when I discover I’ve started I just put a tampon in and continue wearing the same bloody panties.

I know from washing with body wash (especially my armpits) the smell won’t go. What can I use? Shower multiple times? I have exfoliating stuff will that work better? The last time this happened I still smelt even after washing my armpits with soap and using deodorant. My hair too, because I haven’t washed my hair in about a month (I’ve showered just not washed my hair) I don’t think that will remove the smell from just one wash.

When I maintained good hygiene I wouldn’t smell at all so I know this is a lack of hygiene issue opposed to a medical issue. I smelt lovely, would always use nice soap, moisturiser, perfume etc. My makeup and hair was always lovely and I wore lovely clothes. Now I’m just living in underwear and a nightdress which I wear for several days a time which then also stinks.

My mum is keen to get me out and living my life. There’s a family bbq tomorrow and as much as I’ve been trying to avoid going everyone wants me to go. I want to smell nice I don’t want to stink. I have so many perfumes lotions etc that go to waste

UPDATE: Thank you everyone reading your comments made me cry. I really thought 99% of the comments would be attacking me and 1% supportive advice so I was so emotional to read that there were no nasty comments.

I am receiving help. I am having therapy and I am waiting to hear from an occupational therapist who I have been told can help with routines.

Since posting this I have changed my sheets, put all the dirty smelly clothes in the laundry, had a bath (using shower gel, exfoliater and a bar of soap one after the other and twice) I have shaved every hair on my body (went through 3 razors) I’ve put a sanitary towel in my underwear as I’m due on my period (usually I’d just leave it until I bled then put a tampon in and keep the same panties on even if they had blood in) I’ve brushed my teeth and I’ve used some teeth whitening strips, I washed my hair three times and have de matted it and braided it. I’ve thrown away every pair of panties I have that are stained with blood or have discharge stains. I am now in a clean nightdress in clean bedding smelling good and feeling so much better. I don’t to my knowledge still smell, I think I did a pretty good job of washing but I’m going to try have another in the morning just to ensure I don’t smell.

I would appreciate any advice about making this a routine? It just seems so hard. I know what I need to do. I know I need to wake up bath, brush my teeth my hair etc but it just seems so pointless when I don’t have purpose or want to be here which is why I don’t

Any advice on how I can start building it back will be very much appreciated