The war part is true. We are fortunate in that area. But millions of Americans are living in unsafe neighborhoods right now, and are experiencing instability due to poverty and its effects. Stability and safety are not guaranteed for Americans living on the margins.

NTA. Since your sister and your mutual friend are such good people, let them offer up their living quarters!

The term “unhoused” sounds rather dehumanizing to me. It makes me think of a cat or dog, not a human being.

Biologically, it’s indisputable that half-siblings are siblings. Socially, however, the term “real sibling” implies some kind of authenticity to a relationship. You’re not obligated to consider somebody family just because you’re biologically related. 

Witholding honest and age-appropriate information about anatomy. It is not only appropriate, but a moral imperative, to teach little children about their bodies using the correct terms. It does not sexualize children to tell them “What you have is called a penis/vulva.” You’re not talking about sex, you’re talking about an innocent body part that they use for non-sexual functions like peeing. They deserve to know about their bodies, in part so that they can accurately report abuse should it happen. Young girls deserve to know what periods are and how they work. Franky I’m disturbed by people who would find such a conversation with a child sexual at all. 

I’m not a dermatologist or gynecologist, so don’t take what I say as gospel. I personally have to use some soap down there to feel clean. I use the generic version of Dove Unscented and never had problems. You can also find special washes for the vulva in the menstrual care aisles of Target and Wal-Mart, though they’re pricier than regular unscented body wash. Personally I avoid anything scented down there, per my old gyno’s recommendation. 

I am so so sorry for what you have gone through. Please don’t call yourself disgusting. When I’m struggling with hygiene, baby wipes are my best friens. I use them to keep my armpits, face, and crotch area clean. It’s no substitute for a shower but it helps in a pinch. As for the underwear issue, here are a couple of options that you can use when doing laundry feels like too much: - use disposable adult underwear - buy the cheapest pack of low-quality panties from Amazon or Wal-Mart, so that it won’t be a big deal if you have to toss them. Some might say that these options are wasteful, but I know from experience that when you’re too depressed to move, it’s a form of harm reduction to take shortcuts for basic self-care.

I’m not arguing against finding resources online. I’m saying that spending excessive time online is unhealthy for anybody. Going online isn’t the same as being terminally online. It’s about balance. Finding queer friends online is healthy. Arguing about the “validity” of non-binary people or bi lesbians in in The Discourse is healthy for nobody.

There is nothing about having an average IQ that makes menial, soul-crushing work be less menial and soul-crushing. Trust me, everyone hates doing boring jobs. 

It also helps to grow up and realize that you don’t need some anonymous snot-nosed twerp on Twitter to recognize you as “valid” at all. 

For people who are figuring themselves out, logging off and touching grass is the best things they can do for themselves. Being chronically online is terrible for one’s mental health. Absolutely nobody is better for getting too involved in The Discourse, and screen addiction is unhealthy for all people. Spending time in nature, or among IRL friends, joining a hobby, or meditating or good practices for anyone who is struggling. 

The heartbreaking story of Pat Viola fits this description. She told her best friend that she needed to talk to her because something was wrong. But she never ended up talking about it before her disappearance and death. 

Nobody should be homeless, hungry, or unable to afford medical care, and especially not in a country where billionaires exist. Apparently this makes me a communist to some people.

On top of being a sleazy sex pest, your boyfriend is a bum and a leech. Why on earth are you supporting this asshole? Why are you paying extra money just to be pestered for sex in your own home? Go back, read your post, and ask yourself what you’d say to a sister or best friend who wrote all that.

NTA. You are right to press charges. You’re not the one who would feel guilty. People are such hypocrites because if the gender roles were reversed, people would be cheering you on for defending yourself against sexual assault.

I think it’s understandable how you are feeling. I think you have to accept that you can’t control what your sister does, including her refusal to go to therapy. You can’t control her irresponsible money habits (if she’s still living at home, it’s your parents’ responsibility to discuss this with her). You also have to accept that you can’t have the relationship with her that you want. These are both hard things to accept, and it is okay for you to mourn what you wish could have been. Focus on things that make you happy and get you out of the house and socializing with others. 

It isn’t weird, and it’s understandable to be nervous about driving after being in an accident. This is worth talking over with a therapist. However, at the end of the day you still need to learn self-reliance. It’s not reasonable to expect others to drive you forever. If you are adamant about not learning to drive, you can learn how to use the public transit system or walk/bike.