Interesting, our midwives I guess are all what you’d call nurse midwives and they assist in home births, in birthing centres or the hospital.

Crazy, I don’t think we have lay midwives here. I’m pretty sure all midwives are certified.

That’s awesome! Nursing ultimately didn’t work out for me, but my midwife didn’t push it and was still really supportive of using formula and doing what was best for me and my son.

Neons in the summer and springs. Burgundies and blacks in fall and winter.

Yeah I’m a recovering alcoholic. I’m so thankful my husband has stuck by me through it and that I have his support with my sobriety, but I would t have blamed him for leaving me over it either.

No one is required to stay with an addict.

Your husband is what’s called a functional alcoholic and I can promise if he keeps driving like that, he will hurt someone or himself.

Ooh this sounds interesting and I need to look into this now.

I absolutely loved my midwife, and the home visits post partum were so great. Also so much help with breastfeeding.

I ended up having an OBGYN as well because GD, but my midwife worked in tandem with her.

It’s not the hair trapping odour so much as hair breeds more bacteria that eats sweat and dead skin and produces the smell

Also antiperspirant instead of deodorant

Nolagem is right, Botox does help with excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis) and it’s just a small needle.

Botox is also great for migraines.

Also idk why I have to keep saying this isn’t his subreddit ANTIPERSPIRANT OVER DEODORANT

Antibacterial soap and glycolic acid or salicylic acid after you shower

I’m curious what midwives in the states do? Where I am, they work with an OBGYN or hand you off to one if there are any complications. Mine had zero issue with epidurals or anything medical.

It really depends on patient load, doctor and the issues in each appointment.

Sadly doctors are chronically underfunded in Ontario in ford’s attempts to push privatization.

I’ve been having serious health issues recently that have landed me in the ER twice in the last week because I can’t even get in to my doctor until later this month.

It honestly just sucks on both sides. I’d say just prepare yourself for a wait with this doctor as this may be the norm there.

I get how annoying and frustrating it is though, and I empathize.

Are you job hunting

Ok kid. Enjoy your failing relationship

So you’re both unwilling to come to a compromise. Then you’re not compatible.

Not posting for validation…posts the same thing in 7 different subs

Doesn’t think he’s a dick…tells a recovering alcoholic to go drink.

Doesn’t like answers to questions…gets mad at person for not answering the way he wants.

Yeah, you seem lovely.

Your girlfriend must be thrilled that you’re more invested in arguing with me over this than your relationship.

Just because you don’t have the ability to converse with your partner, doesn’t mean there’s no possible compromise.

I never said you shouldn’t be able to.

But honestly based on all your comments, I’m just going with you’re kind of a dick who doesn’t care about anyone but themselves.

Enjoy that!

If you can’t use your brain to even think of potential compromises in the situation, that’s a you problem.

Again, do whatever you want. Enjoy the outcomes of those choices!