They have a rape/incest fetish and get off on making posts like this

It def is if you use the link someone posted earlier to see their post history it’s all rape fetish

Either this is fake or really messed up, OP is posting asking for incest and rape roleplays asking people to roleplay as their dad or brother raping them. There’s multiple posts about their dad and brother touching them inappropriately which could be fake and part of their fantasy. They have a porn addiction too so maybe that’s where this fetish has come from.

A lot of people saying talk to your friend so I won’t bother repeating that but also talk to your sister. She will care about how you feel and should set boundaries to navigate the situation.

One piece of advice I saw that is a small change but makes a big difference, is putting your pantry items (I saw you had some jars and stuff out on the shelves of your cabinet) into the cupboard with doors and putting plates/glasses neatly arranged in the shelf. Since the plates and glasses are neater they look better on display compared to boxes and jars which are visually messy.

Wait she didn’t know who the father was but he’s the only one she had sex with before getting pregnant.. it doesn’t take a genius

When my mum was informed she may have cancer she let me know whilst I popped round on a Sunday. A week later she confirmed over the phone that it was cancer and she would be having a minor surgery. I visited her at home after and she seemed well. At a check up they said it looks like they got it all and that was that. No drama, no quitting job. It’s lucky she was caught early and is doing great but I can’t imagine if she quit her job before the diagnosis was even confirmed. I think everyone is going to have a cancer scare at least once in their life and we can’t all be quitting our jobs preemptively

NTA So he was fine using she/her until he thought you were trans and then he accidentally uses he/him. That’s insane and definitely bs. He already built a habit of calling you by she/her and I believe he was using he/him purposely. Maybe he was annoyed that you weren’t expressing interest in him or maybe he NEEDED you to know that he ‘knew’ you were trans. Def NTA he sounds like a crazy person

You’ve mentioned this isn’t the first crush she’s had on someone in your grade. I’m going to be honest, she’s a pedo stay away from

A non-religious alternative to a god parent is known as a guide parent so maybe that if you are close

My only thing to add to this is it doesn’t need to be a super close shave, leaving a few mms means they are less likely to get infected hair follicles since they will likely have some bacteria on their skin

I think if you leave it too long it will hurt her feelings. Kissing is very fun and can make you feel close to eachother. I’d say if you aren’t fully scared then go for it. If you are quite young and nervous try a quick kiss.

Why are you teaching your son that receiving treatment (therapy/medication) is bad and using violence to solve problems is okay? I thought the whole point was to reduce his aggressive behaviours? You are literally modelling explosive outbursts to him.

These are all really great points, I’ve never heard of any straight couples using it but these are all valid.

I think it’s more the psychological and emotional impact. If someone microwaved your hamster you probably wouldn’t clean it and keep using it.

Exfoliate everywhere and then use body wash, double or triple shampoo your hair and then condition it twice. You won’t know if it worked unless you try! Even if it hasn’t worked enough for you to go to the BBQ you’ve still taken a step when it comes to taking care of yourself and it will get easier the more frequently you do it. Give it a go, cleansing your body is good for the mind. I am really sorry that you are going through this.

If they don’t use an ultrasound on the brain they won’t see if the brain is missing or faulty. They need to check and it does not harm the fetus

I think it’s a good low cost alternative for lesbians or asexuals who have got a good understanding of their cycle and are very fertile, in that sense I see no problem with promoting it. Straight couples who regularly have sex I don’t see why they would use it.

I am also an ECT1 science teacher with ADHD and I am struggling with the exact same things. It feels like the other teachers don’t understand and think I’m purposefully allowing disruption but they don’t see how my thoughts completely shut off when it’s noisy or I get interrupted

NTA I’m confused why your girlfriend did that? Are you close with your in-laws. If my boyfriend and I were at my parents and he mentioned ordering food I would be the one to tell my parents and suggest they don’t go shopping and we all get takeout. Especially if you aren’t super close with your in-laws then it’s on your girlfriend to give them the heads up. If they insisted on cooking it’s up to her to let them know what you like or to ask you and feed the info back to them. I really feel like she caused this

I think child therapy is a good idea, in particular to pick up on any abuse that could be causing this (worst case scenario) or just to explain in an appropriate way why she cannot marry him. I also think he needs more time apart from her, perhaps you should spend more time alone with her and allow him to give his attention to the older siblings so she can develop a better bond with you.

Child therapists exist for a reason. It’s not like they sit them down and say ‘tell me about your past’