Okay, hear me out. I've been reading almost all the most popular fantasy romance books that have been mentioned on tik tok. ACOTAR, FBAA, Curse of Shadows and Thorns and the entire Broken Kingdoms saga, The Serpent and the Wings of Night, etcetera. You get it.

And the main female characters are starting to bother me. Im all for feminism and female empowerment but I'm getting kind of sick of all these carbon copy FMCs who are all "I would rather die than wear a dress, I always have my dagger and my arrows because I'm a warrior, being femenine is gross" it gives such "not like other girls" vibes and I'm so over it. Why can't they embrace their feminity?

It also feels so disingenuous that the narrative is always that they were trained in combat in secret and go to dodgy bars or brothels to drink ale and "be free".

I get that there's an element of rebelliousness, but sometimes it bothers me because the inner monologue gets tired.

Why can't there be empowered femenine? Women who use their intellect to get through their hardship? Women who have a hard time training for combat and aren't gratuitously transformed into deadly warriors through either a three chapter montage or a lazy justification of their childhood.

There's so much to the femenine that makes women strong and interesting, and I see almost none of it in the most popular FMCs.

What do y'all think?


Hi everyone! I didn't expect this to get so much attention, so I just wanted to hop on here to address a few things.

  1. I think I might've misspoken or confused the the terms "pick me" and "not like other girls". My main language is not English so I thought they were kind of interchangeable. Specifically I mean "not like other girls" as in Main Female Characters whose inner discourse frames their view of themselves as being different or special because they reject what is inherently femenine. And they see femenine things as dumb or boring or weird. Which I find upsetting, which leads me to the second thing.

  2. I was overly focused in the word femenine before but this isn't really an issue about gender itself. It's not that I dislike masculine traits in FMCs, I don't mind if MFCs are totally tomboyish. My issue has to do with the narrative making a female character read as "better" than the women who surround her because she chooses masculine traits or behavior. Where she explicitly conveys how she sees herself as special, or looks down on other women because she doesn't do or like what the rest of the women around her do. And those stereotypically masculine traits are what give her value.

  3. I mentioned I read ACOTAR and that is the only saga I've read by S.J Maas so I'm not an authority on her books or characters. I'm speaking more on my general perception of the most popular book-tok fantasy romance books I've read lately.

And lastly

  1. I totally support the idea of letting women be women regardless of their behavior. I don't care what the MFC chooses to be as long as it makes sense to the story and is well written and has depth, which is what ultimately makes any character interesting and compelling. I think the conversation has drifted off into gender norms, misogyny and stereotypes, which are all valid; but my particular argument was meant to focus more on the sadness that it gives me to read MFCs that can only be seen as valuable at the expense of bashing what they are not. I mentioned femininity because that is what is typically bashed. Dresses, makeup, soft spokennes, mother figures are almost always either evil or dead, etc.

I do think that women should feel empowered by the fact that they can choose to be whatever they want to be, but not at the cost of looking down on other women for being the opposite. I like warrior women, I like women with a loud mouth or a bad temper, I like them with knives and trousers just as much as I like them in a pretty tiara and a dress and flowers in their hair, and patience and strategic, charming conversations. I just hate it when the author is like "ew, I hate skirts, I'd rather be wearing leather pants so that I can stab my chicken with my dagger instead of eating with a fork like other girls"