Dang, sad to hear it 😅🥲😅 just telling myself that that means it’s going to be extra good

Good question! I wasnt even thinking about breeding kink - I’d probably put that in a separate category but could see how some might include it!

Wait I thought it came out in December?? WHATS THE TRUTH I NEED TO KNOW LOL

Yes!!!!! I thought this was a completed series and I was so disappointed when I finished the second book the other day that I couldn’t go straight into the third one!!! I devoured these. Good story and great sex scenes

I don’t know anyone who doesn’t share the opinion that Biden is too old - there’s been talk of this before his first term. How are we supposed to put pressure on them to pick someone younger? Threaten to vote for a Republican? lol.

Sadly the 2-party system has won out on this. Republicans are going to pick any Republican over any democrat and vice versa - there’s not a third option. (Honorable mention to RFK jr… he ain’t it either but at least hes trying with minor success) We don’t have the power to pressure them to do anything, bc they know at the end of the day we’re still going to vote for their lousy choice over the republicans even more lousy choice.

Did Trump speak on anything he actually did or plans to do with data to back it up?? All I heard was “people say I’m the greatest ever”, “what I did was the greatest ever”, “everyone loves me”

It was total BS

I’ve heard “Do you really want someone that old around the nuclear codes? With the ability to start a nuclear war?”

My answer to that is…. Biden has a host of knowledgeable advisors that he will listen to. That man isn’t starting a nuclear war unless there is some valid reason to.

Trump, on the other hand, might just do it bc someone he doesn’t like teased him. He would not listen to any advisors about how that would be an astronomically bad idea - he thinks he’s the smartest guy in the whole world and that he always makes the best decisions - despite data and everyone else saying that’s not true and not a good idea.

But who is that choice up to?? There are plenty of other democratic politicians that I think could have a shot at the presidency over this old geezer - yet they weren’t ever an option for me.

It’s Biden or Trump. So I’m defending Biden 🙃

I’m sorry to hear that - Avoiding the topic is totally understandable!

(( Side note - I also thing avoiding a topic for any reason at all is understandable — this is pleasure reading!! ))

It took EIGHT years for them to figure out this was happening? When are we going to overhaul the foster/adopt systems so stuff like this stops happening — and if it does happen, doesn’t take so god damn long for it to be found ??

I am critical of him. I guess better wording would’ve been defend why I will be voting for him

I still don’t see how people could vote Trump … all he could say was “whatever I did was the best ever seen in the whole wide world” - no explanation as to what he did or what he plans to do. Just that it’s very good and very amazing and the very best ever.

At least Biden had some facts and policies to back up his arguments.

Literally I’m so pissed that Biden had to be the democratic nominee. Trump and republicans are so god fucking awful that it makes me defend Biden way harder than I should. I wish I could be voting for someone else, but I will no doubt be voting for Biden and will be urging everyone else to as well.

I’ve never been so angry after hearing about the (lack of) police response during Uvalde. They absolutely FAILED those kids and teachers and their families. Hopefully this is the first of many to come and maybe we can start holding the police accountable for doing their damn jobs. I have no respect for Uvalde police.

Ooh I just started using them a few months ago and I love them! I still use a variety between tampons/pads/period underwear. But I find period underwear the most useful when my period is so heavy that I leave through super plus tampons quickly, and those lingering days when you think your period is over but it’s probably not. Comfy and doesn’t let any smell through!!!!!

Yea, I feel the same way about HEAs that involve pregnancy or kids. IMO it just shows how they (the main chapters/plot) made the world a better place where kids could thrive and not grow up under whatever hardship they did

You were ready for this one! Thanks! I’ll check them out

I was surprised at the 65+ category!

I think of the cow! Still think it’s a cute name tho and wont cause beyond the regular teasing

Ooh interesting- that might be tooo much for me but now I’m definitely going to snoop tho bc I’m curipus