Anne Arundel County

Bro we're pretending it never happened lmao. 

Literally two of my neighbors died in 2020 and the whole goddamn neighborhood knew them.  Now everyone just... pretends they never existed?  People will insist covid wasn't a big deal and just fucking ignore the two deaths RIGHT DOWN THE STREET.

Chaos or Yolo because I never learn my goddamn lesson after an unplayable roll and it's fun most of the time lol

The game is primarily p2p, server just stores the world and stuff. 

Make sure whoever has the most powerful computer or the fastest and most centralized internet connection is the first person to go anywhere, especially through portals. 

If your friend with a potato pc is hosting a chunk, everyone's game will be communicating with that person for all data.

We always set up our tree farm at the starting stones.  Portal in, swap to elder, chop chop chop, swap back to bone, go home with wood.

Ghandi, No! Please! I have a family!

1 unit per tile was a mistake. 

The ai simply cannot handle it, and the game suffers significantly for it.  You are never at risk of losing a war, nor can the ai civs harm each other in any real way.

I play a lot of chaos at 2000 and it's definitely viable, but some games you will get absolutely shafted by RNG.  

But some games though you'll get whatever you need at the right moment and that always feels hilarious

Stone golem playing golf with my ass off a mountain when I don't notice them sneaking up on me lol

Whenever a riven stands still while multiple people on my team approach them I know we're about to get smurfed on.

Hmmm, I think they're both reactions to a sexist world. If I had to define them:

"Pick Me" girls have acknowledged that the world expects women to fill a certain role - normally a passive/submissive (to men) one, and have embraced it. They pride themselves on fitting that role especially well, and put down other women who do not fit it as a way to raise themselves above others.

"Not like the other girls" is a reaction to seeing popular media depict girls as a vapid caricature of makeup and dresses, and feeling more complex than that, declare themselves different or better than "other girls" by not fitting that false caricature. I think this is a natural reaction to growing up in a sexist world and most women will go through this phase somewhere in their teens. I agree most women grow out of this.

Both are a symptom of internalized sexism I believe.

I would say it becomes a gendered issue when in (most) romantasy, violence is still primarily the domain of men and the ass-kicking FMC is something of an outlier for participating.

Nah I'm not excusing male characters from using force/violence (though it is almost always justified by the story for the protagonists.)

I simply take issue with a female character only gaining importance through her ability to participate in that economy of violence.

Not a pick-me, never said that. And for criticizing tropes, I am again boiling down "male values" in this fiction genre to the act/ability of compelling others through violence/force.

It becomes something of a "not like the other girls" as OP said, when the FMC really hammers home her decision choose traditionally masculine habits/activities and displaying an aversion to traditionally feminine ones. It becomes problematic when you imply that one is inherently worth more than the other. When the author (through world building and the attitudes of the characters) divides domains into male/female, and ascribes higher value to one over the other by having a character elevate herself by choosing the former.

OP's use of "pick me" girls is probably not accurate. But I definitely see "not like the other girls" in this genre fairly often. (Directly or indirectly putting down other women to boot.)

I love a good power fantasy, don't get me wrong. Tearing down the spring court was very satisfying to read. I think it would have been less satisfying if Feyre had done it through brute force.

I don't think the issue is that OP wants female characters to be overtly feminine. I think the issue is that the world of the book values traditionally-male attributes (most often the capacity for violence/dominance) and the FMC must take on those values to have worth in the world. In this case, I completely agree with OP. It frustrates me greatly when the FMC is depicted as having no agency until she becomes a powerful ass-kicker - until she enters the domain of men. It plays into the notion that men = real/important, and women = less important. Especially in books where the FMC is an outlier by becoming a powerful badass. What does that say about every other female character in the book who remains within the normally-female role the book has somewhat disparaged?

"Traditionally-male" values in these contexts are can be many things - adventure, ambition, etc, but it is almost always the capacity for violence and the ability to compel others by force. When a character gains importance in the story purely through their ability to harm others - to enforce their will or status through the threat of violence, their ability to dominate others, that is problematic. I think SJM's books are particularly bad for this. How many unnamed mooks have the IC killed in their gritty back stories? How often does a member of the IC implement their plans not by convincing others that their idea is best, but by mandating it with a "I am more powerful than you?"

This sort of dynamic whereby the FMC gains worth by becoming powerful enough to impose her will through violence suggests that that worldly framework is correct. It's never sat well with me.

For the OP, books by Grace Draven and Jacqueline Carey very often have FMCs who are wholly-realized people with agency and compelling narratives, without needing to become the ultimate ass-kicker who kills anyone they disagree with. Highly recommend.

Oh for sure but my joke was that Empire campaigns were impossible to finish because the Ottoman AI factions would spam 200 armies and lag your game to death

Yeah it's a bit hard to reconcile the "satire" of the imperial church when in universe your neighbor failing to pray hard enough could literally get your whole planet devoured by soul-eating demons.

I really enjoyed the Rogue Trader game for a darker look at things. You come across a worker whom you need a macguffin from.

"Sorry m'lord, but I couldn't afford the stims I need to stay awake for my 20 hour shifts that I work 7 days a week here at the oppression factory. My employer has chained me to this kiosk as punishment, so I cannot go fetch the thing you need!"

  • Execute him on the spot for his insolence

  • Sister Argenta, please execute this miserable peasant for his insolence for me

  • Have him turned into a servitor for his insolence

  • Fine I guess I'll go get the macguffin myself, after executing this peasant for his insolence.

We have the same hair. Biggest thing you can do to make your routine easier is to go shorter.  That might not be on the table but it really helps. 

Aside from that, I've found mousse works not-quite-as-well as gel, but dries significantly faster. 

My lazy routine: co wash, mostly dry hair with micro towel, mousse, diffuse upside down, then fluff/scrunch. 

Longer routine is to do my hair mid-day after work, plenty of gel on wet hair, diffuse upside down as much as I have patience for, then I clip my roots up as much as possible. Let it air dry rest of the day, and hopefully go to sleep with dry-as-possible hair. Take the clips out and bundle still-casted hair up in a bonnet. Then I scrunch out in the morning. Time intensive and I look a little ridiculous while drying but it'll last a few days at least

Belakor definitely the bazelgeuse of this game. Whatever I'm doing, wherever I'm doing it... he randomly shows up and slams his army into my leader.

Yeah I mean that was my hunch, but OP is technically correct that if enemy bot lane knows how to punish it can be devastating.

Then yeah diamond jungle should understand that 100%

In plat I don't think most bot lanes know how to abuse the other bot lane leashing and it won't make a huge difference. It'll speed up your jungler's clear a little bit.

BUT if the enemy bot lane does know what to do when you don't show up to lane immediately, you can be 100% doomed from the first wave. So he's absolutely wrong in theory. If they get a zoning slow push going and their jungler knows what's up you'll find yourself getting dove with 3 waves crashing while still level 1.

You fucking clown get out of here lmao

I'd wager 99% of women's lived experience is learning at a very young age that a terrifying number of men feel entitled to their time and attention and are willing to act on it.  Fuck, do you have any idea how predatory some men will act when they find out you're alone in public? Never mind when you're truly alone with them.  Just total mask off behavior. 

So when this silly exercise pops up on whatever socials and women share their take on their lives experience, inevitably a bunch of terminally online dipshits crawl out the woodwork to screech about how actually this isn't fair and makes them feel bad about their dating prospects and actually no one should have this conversation.  It's exhausting.  

This isn't about you (or shit, maybe is is, based on your post,) so try to have a little understanding that you're not the star of the show here. 

Strangers acting inappropriate is just reality for women (starting when you are a CHILD,) and yet these losers are worried about their feelings getting hurt.