In the last couple months I played a lot of CK3 and noticed one thing that would bring a lot of flavour to eu4: disasters. In CK3 you get two of them, first the mongols which spawn at around 1200 and are overpowered af (I mean seriously op, they can conquer the whole map) and the Black Death which will completly decimate all your development and kill a big chunk of the population. Sadly eu4 doesnt have any of these world disasters.

I know that eu4 is more about minmaxing and snowballing but once you are big enough the game is basically over because there are no threats anymore so most of you quit around the age of absolutism. So my suggestion would be to make certain events bigger. The religious war in europe is basically another war between more countries on each side which will end in 99,99% of the time in favour of the player and the Revolution when triggered is basically a small inconvenience which can get stomped in less than 10 years.

Both of these changed europe drastically and so they should be portrayed in the game that the player actually fears these events. This would not only bring some roleplaying aspect to the game but would also make the minmaxing playstyle harder. Loss of development and not only devastation should be implemented to provinces and the wars should be a lot harder